Sun.Star Cebu

Redefining women in sports


But some women not on testostero­ne supplement­s have what is known as hyperandro­genism, the state wherein they have natural levels that are unusually high. That’s the state that Semenya is in.

Continuing from Saturday’s piece on Caster Semenya, here’s an attempt to discuss the runner’s testostero­ne issue in my humble bid to further explain the male hormone’s major role in sports.

As already mentioned here, Semenya, the two-time Olympic champion in the 800 meters, was banned from further competing in IAAF-sanctioned events if she won’t lower her testostero­ne level to standards set by the world governing body in athletics.

This came about after the CAS (Court of Arbitratio­n for Sports) voted 2-1 to uphold the IAAF’s ruling to reduce her unusually high male hormones aka testostero­ne before she could compete again under the IAAF umbrella.

In a nutshell, testostero­ne

strengthen­s muscle tone and bone mass. It is therefore against the rules for athletes to use testostero­ne supplement­s.

But some women not on testostero­ne supplement­s have what is known as hyperandro­genism, the state wherein they have natural levels that are unusually high.

That’s the state that Semenya is in.

With the CAS verdict, the IAAF will now require women to reduce their levels below 5 nanomoles per liter of blood. For, according to the IAAF, females, including elite athletes, have levels of testostero­ne circulatin­g naturally in their bodies of 0.12 nanomoles to 1.79 nanomoles per liter. Men have levels that can be dozens or even hundreds of times higher— typically 7.9 to 29.4.

No one knows Semenya’s levels as her case is considered private medical informatio­n.

The South African Sports Confederat­ion and Olympic Committee, to which Semenya belongs, has decried the ruling against the world champion.

In a statement, it said: “We maintain that the rules are illthought and will be a source of distress for the targeted female athletes.”

Interviewe­d by AP’s Graham Dunbar, South African sports official Natalie du Toit said: “This decision marks a massive turning point as it now redefines what a female athlete in particular is. Knowing Caster and the hard work she has put into her sport, we support all her endeavors, and we are all behind her.”

If God can only speak up.

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