Sun.Star Cebu

Mother’s Day Messages

- MICHAEL REY M. CORTES / Be part of future Boomerangs! If you’re 13-30 years young, just email your full name, age, school/ course/occupation, and recent solo JPG photo to architectk­aefc@ We’ll email you the topic and be sure to reply.

Mothers showcase the courage that brightens up life. They are the heroines of today— conquering daily obstacles for their children. Though the years have left their physiques with the tell-tale signs of work and loving sacrifice, the beauty they hold within will always prevail. The sacrifices that mothers have given since the very beginning cannot be celebrated in a day or two. However, there is a special day dedicated to all Mothers that happens every May. Simple greetings and messages may sound cliché, but they will always have a special place in a mother’s heart. This Mother’s Day, let’s hear our Zup! readers’ messages for their beloved mothers.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mi! Thank you for always having my back. Even back then we were always the “partnersin-crime.” I know I can always count on you. I may be an adult now, but I will always need you. Love You. -DIANE MONIQUE DE LA ROSA, 23

You are the greatest gift that one can ask from God. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You have not just been my best friend but also my mentor as you have always guided me on the path to lead a meaningful and happy life. Whatever I am today or have achieved in my life is because of your guidance and strong support. I love you so much Ma! God bless you always!-MA. JENESIS EMPASIS, 21

“Ma, thank you for raising me. Sorry if I wasn’t always a good kid. I know it was difficult being a single mom. You sometimes say I’m smarter than you, but there is no doubt I also learned a lot from you—and do still. I wouldn’t be the guy I am today if I had been raised differentl­y. I love you, Ma.”-MARC TING, 21

To my mommy, Happy Mother’s Day! Dinah and I have always been grateful to have you as our mom. For the countless sacrifices and support for us. For standing up as both the pillar and the light in our lives, still a perfect home indeed. We’ve always felt the greatest love a mother could give—not to mention that you also carried a father’s duty. We will always love you.-DENIEL RHEY GHAZALY, 23

To my mother, thank you for all your love and sacrifices. I may not say this to you, but I love you with all my heart. Thank you for everything that you have done for us. Happy Mother’s Day. -BETHEL CATAQUEZ, 21

I am humbled each and every day of my life knowing all the sacrifices you’ve made since the day I existed inside your womb up until the whole time you struggled—just to mold me into the person I am today. I am truly grateful to have a mom who loves me unconditio­nally. Happy Mother’s Day to the woman I love the most! -LESTER VINCE MIRASOL, 22

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