Sun.Star Cebu



THE woman who was caught on video berating and physically assaulting a promodiser in one of the malls in Cebu on Saturday night, Dec. 7, 2019, has a mental condition.

This was the finding after Medelina Yamazaki underwent a psychiatri­c evaluation at the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center last Thursday morning, Dec. 12.

The hospital’s psychiatri­st recommende­d sending Yamazaki to a mental institutio­n.

“She was uncooperat­ive during interview and refused to answer most questions,” said Mabolo Police Station chief investigat­or Jeffrey Larrobis, quoting the psychiatri­st’s report.

The report also stated that Yamazaki is unfit to stand trial.

According to her family, Yamazaki suffers from postpartum depression after giving birth to her child and was maltreated when she was still young.

Despite the findings, Larrobis said it is up to the prosecutor to decide her fate.

Jennifer Fabillar, the victim, said that if Yamazaki had a problem controllin­g her emotions, her family shouldn’t have allowed her to be in a public place.

Fabillar still couldn’t believe what she went through, getting a tongue-lashing and bruise in the face after Yamazaki threw a humidifier at her, all because she told the latter to be careful not to spill the water inside the humidifier.

She said Yamazaki’s husband also raised his voice at her but she understood since he had no idea what was going on since he didn’t speak the language.

“Ang sayop lang gyud niya kay wala niya giharang ang iyang asawa bisag nakakita na sya nga nasamad na akong nawng. (His only fault was he didn’t try to stop his wife even when he saw that I was wounded in the face),” Fabillar said.

Fabillar said the ordeal had traumatize­d her. Not only is she afraid to look outside their gate, but she is now afraid of her surroundin­gs, she said.

Fabillar said her employer will let her undergo stress debriefing. In the meantime, she’s waiting for her lawyer to tell her their next course of action. /

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