Sun.Star Cebu


Long-distance relationsh­ips


If you’re in a long-distance relationsh­ip (LDR), chances are some of your family and friends may be advising against it as it takes 10 times as much work as a regular relationsh­ip does. It requires a higher level of dedication, but on the upside, it makes the smallest and simplest gestures much sweeter and more meaningful.

Whatever forced your relationsh­ip to go long distance, know that you’re not alone. Many couples have been geographic­ally separated at some point in theirs. Here are some pointers on how to maintain, survive and even thrive in an LDR—from those who have been there, done it.

Merinel Bacaltos

“The key to a successful relationsh­ip, not just LDR, is endless optimism. Believing that everything will work out frees your mind from doubting yourself and your partner. Nobody says it’s going to be easy. No two relationsh­ips are alike. But whatever works for you and your partner, embrace it. Plus, advanced forms of communicat­ion have brought people closer than snail mail ever could.”

Ren Charles Borromeo

“A long-distance relationsh­ip is just like any other relationsh­ip. It may seem tough but it has its own surprises too, although it is not for everybody and it is definitely not a walk in the park. If you and your partner are put in this situation and you want to make it work, then you have to be extra in a lot of things—extra communicat­ion, extra time, extra effort, extra understand­ing and extra cash (just kidding). Most of all, your goals as a couple should meet in the future.”

Karlo Jon Escanda

“You have to manage your expectatio­ns because a long-distance relationsh­ip is difficult and is not for everybody. You need to put a lot of commitment and trust into it. A lot of things can happen, but at the end of the day, it can all be worthwhile and fulfilling. P.S. LDR is not for toxic and jealous people. Lol.”

Danica Mamaril

“Being in a long-distance relationsh­ip is not like a walk in the park. It takes two individual­s with the same level of commitment. It took me a lot of courage to engage myself in this kind of relationsh­ip. LDR is really difficult to maintain as you always need to spice things up in order to keep the fire burning.

My husband and I have been together for almost eight years and there are three things that make our relationsh­ip work: communicat­ion, trust and putting Christ at the center of it. Exchange thoughts with your partner and check up on each other. Always choose to trust your partner as it gives you peace of mind and lessens arguments. Pray for your partner and serve the Lord together.”

Mary Fel Peñaranda

“I guess it’s in the comfort of knowing that I will be spending the rest of my life (literally) with my fiancé by the end of the year. So a two-year LDR wouldn’t hurt so much, right? I’m taking this time apart to rediscover, love and nurture myself because as cliche as it sounds, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Also, the love and warmth from family and friends never fail to keep me company.”

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