Sun.Star Cebu

What it means to be a mom —as told by moms


As cliché as it may seem, it’s true that mothers know best—especially for their children. Even though there’s no golden rule or rule book on how to become the best mothers ever, their super power—which is their motherly instinct—is what makes them super moms. In honor of Mother’s Day, these mothers share how motherhood changed them, how their notions of what it means to be a mother have changed over their lifetime, and what lessons they teach their children that they have learned from their own moms.

Angela Emphasis,

42, director of sales, PR profession­al

“Motherhood gave me focus. Before my kids, I lived like there was no tomorrow. With my kids, I have goals and the drive to continuall­y better myself. That’s because I want to be more for my kids, and give them more.

Time makes motherhood feel more real, more intense. As your kids grow up, you grow up too. I’ve never felt more grown up than I do now with my kids. And for someone who wants to be 18 forever, that feeling is intense.

I had a great mom, and I try every day to raise my kids the way she raised me. Aside from the usual values that parents teach their kids, Mom taught me to believe in myself and know my worth. She devoted her life to education, charity and the church. She was a great communicat­or, a great hostess. She was loved by everyone. Mom was perfect in every way, and the mother that she was is the mother I try to be.”

ConCon Kintanar,

49, hotel manager, head sales and marketing “Motherhood made me become more responsibl­e. My personal dreams and goals have changed and are not anymore limited to myself alone but are now extended to my daughter as well.

I became a mother at a young age of 21, right after I graduated from college. At first, I thought, it was enough for a mother to take care of her child physically and provide her with her needs financiall­y. But as time passed by, I came to realize that there’s more to motherhood than just fending for her needs.

I’m happy that my daughter Axlle has learned quite a number of great lessons from my Mom. The most distinct were, never stop dreaming until your dreams come true, be kind to everybody including animals, and be happy and thankful for you are blessed.

Kirstenyl A. Gottwald, 29, sales account executive

“Your priorities shift once you have children. When I was a child, I thought that being a mother was very easy. But as you grow older, you will realize how hard it is to become one. And when you become a mother, you will realize that there is no rule book for being a mother. You will meet a lot of challenges along the way. It will test your patience. You will learn to embrace each obstacle that will hit you and will learn to love unconditio­nally.

My mom always taught me to be kind and respectful to others. These are important values that I want my kids to learn and practice. More importantl­y, I pray that they will put God at the center of their life always.”

Lowela Maestrecam­po, 34, entreprene­ur

“It did not really change me a whole lot as a person, but what it did was it made me grow. I am still me. I haven’t changed, but I have grown. It made me more patient, understand­ing, kinder and gentler than I am able to be on my own.

Being a mother is perhaps the hardest, most rewarding job a woman will ever experience. Your role changes every day to teach your child important rules and roles of life. One minute you are a playmate, the next minute you are a teacher or a disciplina­rian.

One lesson I teach my children which I learned from my own Mom: ‘Be contented with what you have and always choose to be happy no matter what the situation is.’”

Mary Stephanie Vega,

30, business developer

“Becoming a mom at a very young age and being in a very abusive relationsh­ip in the past has molded me to be the ambitious, dedicated and strong woman that I am today.

For my children, I want them to always see the good in people no matter how they treat them.

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