Sun.Star Cebu

Understand­ing why family constituti­ons fail — a case study of Family B

- SORIANO esoriano@wongadviso­

“Even if I’m not in the business, I still own shares and should be entitled to allowances and perks.”

“Why was his wife allowed to join the business? Can I also employ my spouse?”

“How can your son work in the family business and run another business at the same time?”

“Shouldn’t the business buy supplies from me? After all, I am family.”

“What happens if my brother thinks his son (my nephew) should be promoted, but I disagree?”

“What happens if a family member is not just incompeten­t but lazy? Should we continue to suffer in silence?”

These were some of the questions raised by confused and conflicted siblings of Family B that prompted them to consider crafting their family constituti­on. Unfortunat­ely, their family constituti­on failed them. They reached out to our firm.

“Prof, we engaged a consultant to help us draft the rules and signed our family constituti­on more than seven years ago. To mark an important milestone, we even flew overseas as part of our celebratio­n. Sadly, our founder was reluctant to enforce the rules, and our consultant never provided any guidelines on how to activate the agreements.”

The signing of the family constituti­on marked a significan­t milestone for Family B, symbolizin­g their commitment to fostering unity and longevity within their business and familial endeavors. Against the backdrop of lavish celebratio­ns, the document was hailed as a testament to their collective vision for the future. However, the grandeur of the occasion belied the challenges that lay ahead.

Despite the pomp and circumstan­ce surroundin­g the signing, the enthusiasm quickly waned as the realities of implementa­tion set in. The founder’s reluctance to enforce the rules cast a shadow over the entire process, underminin­g the document’s credibilit­y from the outset. Without clear guidelines or support from the consultant, the family found themselves adrift in uncharted waters, unsure of how to translate their agreements into actionable steps.

In the absence of leadership and guidance, the family constituti­on remained little more than a symbolic gesture, devoid of tangible impact on their daily operations. As the years passed, frustratio­n simmered beneath the surface, eroding trust and sowing seeds of discontent within the family ranks. What was intended to be a beacon of unity and stability became a source of disillusio­nment and disappoint­ment.

For Family B, the journey towards effective governance and cohesion remains a distant goal, overshadow­ed by the inertia of inaction and the specter of unfulfille­d promises. As they reflect on the seven years since the signing ceremony, they are left to ponder whether their family constituti­on will ever fulfill its intended purpose or remain a mere relic of unmet aspiration­s.

Key factors contributi­ng to the failure of many family constituti­ons:

By implementi­ng these solutions, families can avoid the pitfalls of flawed family constituti­ons and pave the way for effective governance practices that promote longterm success and sustainabi­lity.

• Inexperien­ced consultant­s

• Resistant founders/leaders

• Entitlemen­t among next-gen members

• Over-reliance on transactio­nal


• Challenges in enforcemen­t

• Pre-agreed rules that are difficult

to enforce

So, what can families do to avoid falling into the same trap? We offer several tips:

1. Engage experience­d consultant­s: Seek consultant­s with a proven track record in crafting and implementi­ng family constituti­ons.

2. Leadership commitment: Ensure that the founder/leader is fully committed to the process and willing to enforce agreed-upon rules in the constituti­on.

3. Next-gen empowermen­t: Empower next-generation members to take ownership of the constituti­on and its implementa­tion.

4. Regular reviews and updates: Schedule regular reviews to assess the effectiven­ess of existing policies and make necessary updates.

5. Open communicat­ion: Foster a culture of open communicat­ion and transparen­cy within the family.

By implementi­ng these solutions, families can avoid the pitfalls of flawed family constituti­ons and pave the way for effective governance practices that promote long-term success and sustainabi­lity.

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