Sun.Star Cebu

Understand­ing sacrifice

- JUDITH EUGENIO @juditheuge­nioglobal

Sacrificin­g for someone is one of the most beautiful things you can do for another person. This is pretty well known, but what’s not often discussed is how sacrifices can often feel like a chore. I think people enter agreements and arrangemen­ts and then become unwilling to uphold those terms more often than not. Starting a conversati­on by admitting that you aren’t willing to commit to an agreement is tough, but are you truly willing to sacrifice yourself just to maintain peace? Many people might answer “Yes” to that question, and that does sound noble, but at some point, I believe it becomes foolish. You can’t possibly please everyone, and attempting to achieve the impossible while sacrificin­g yourself is simply sad. The simple remedy to this is to have the courage to speak up, but even that can be tough. When all you have ever done is cater to others, taking care of yourself may seem unusual.

Understand­ing that you could be someone who has this type of dispositio­n is important. This is why, with the help of Heaven Luck, finding out can be made easy. Heaven Luck is a factor of Human Success that can reveal the innate traits that someone possesses. Normally, people would have to experience pain to realize something like this, but with Heaven Luck, one wouldn’t need to suffer. One just needs to reach out, and someone will definitely help.

Having knowledge about oneself is one thing; it is a completely different thing to put it into practice. As it was said before, knowing is half the battle, and the other half is actually fighting it. This calls for us to exercise our Man Luck. It is another factor of Human Success that relates to our hard work and preparatio­n. You know, anyone can say “just work on it” and claim they’ve given advice, but preparatio­n is necessary to deal with deeply ingrained traits. Whether it is mental or societal preparatio­n, progress will definitely be palpable.

A quote encapsulat­es my point perfectly. It says, “If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, you become the sacrifice.” While you will undoubtedl­y have to sacrifice for the things you want to achieve in this world, if you are truly passionate about the things you love or want, it won’t feel like a sacrifice. Just as we never call it a sacrifice when we do favors for our loved ones, if an agreement no longer sparks the same joy, enjoyment, or facilitate­s growth, you are not worth the sacrifice.

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