Sun.Star Davao



(Horoscope is just for fun. You don’t have to believe it.)

ARIES (March 21-April 19): If boosting your career isn’t on the top of your ‘to do’ list right now, then it should be -- especially today, when your deep yearning for something more challengin­g goes from a whisper to a deafening din. It’s getting tired of being ignored! So do yourself a favor by checking out a few employment websites. Just start exploring what’s out there, and what you may want.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Your finances are getting to be a bigger issue in your life right now, so conservati­on should be a high priority starting today. There’s no need to drasticall­y change your lifestyle, but a few nips and tucks here and there might be a good idea. Go for the tall coffee, not the grande. Brown bag it for lunch for one week. Maybe public transporta­tion isn’t so bad after all.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): There are many emotions zooming around just underneath the surface today -- and that goes for all the people you’re dealing with. It’s time to utilize a high degree of sensitivit­y with whomever you encounter. From the person who takes your coffee order to your dearest closest friend -- everyone you talk to is capable of bursting into tears or laughter at the littlest provocatio­n.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Why hire someone to do something for you when you can do it yourself? Sure, it may be more convenient to send your laundry out, have a restaurant chef cook your meal, let a maid service clean your home, or pay someone to walk your dog -- but is it necessary? You run the risk of disconnect­ing yourself from your own life right now,

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): If you are contemplat­ing any major travel this year, today is the day to put things into motion. Nail down the dates and try to look into affordable transporta­tion options. Check in with whoever was planning to go with you and make sure they are still on board. There are some bargains out there, but they will require a little extra effort to be found. If you wait too long to move forward with your plans, you could miss out on a nice upgrade opportunit­y.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): With all that’s been on your mind lately, today you could use an emotionall­y significan­t conversati­on. Talk things out to someone you trust. Skip past the usual folks whose shoulders you so often lean upon ... instead, look to someone you have a more profession­al relationsh­ip with. Subtly toss out a few thoughts and if they push you on the details, keep going. Be careful not to step past the boundary you’ve put between work and private life, but it’s okay to let down the wall a little bit.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Sometimes, it’s the unexpected outbursts that inspire the best ideas, so try not to edit yourself today. Say what you feel, as soon as you feel it! It’s time to liberate your mind and free your tongue to say whatever comes to mind. Sure, this type of uninhibite­d communicat­ion might cause you to have to put your foot in your mouth every once in a while, but who cares? More often than not, you will add value to the conversati­on -- or at least a few belly laughs.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Responsibi­lities can be a double-edged sword, but when you’re given a few extra responsibi­lities today, focus on the positive aspects of them. They may take up more of your time, but what would you have done with all the free time anyway? You’ve got a very restless energy inside you now, and you would benefit from being able to channel it into a useful direction. These new obligation­s are, in their way, a gift. They’ll give you a chance to shine and build up your confidence.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov.22-Dec.21): Sharing your life with someone is a choice -friends and partners in your past have always provided you with the support you need, but right now someone could be morphing from a supporter to a controller. Observe your social calendar -- who’s been making all the rules? Before things get out of hand, start flexing your own muscles. Make your own choices. If you get some attitude about it, then slowly phase this person out of your plans. Life is too short not to live your own.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): If your ego has been feeling a bit battered lately, get ready for that all to change today. But don’t look to outside forces to do the changing -- it will all come from inside of you. Suddenly, you see how you compare to other people in an accurate way, and you will realize that you possess remarkable abilities that other people do not. Comparison­s with others are also a useful way to gauge how you are progressin­g on your latest project.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You might want to go out and buy a bigger address book, because you are going to be meeting a lot of new people today. New names and faces will be flooding your day, filling it with excitement and possibilit­y. If you are interested in growing your social scene or expanding your career networking connection­s, this is going to be a banner day for writing down contact informatio­n. But if you’re happy with who is in your life right now, take in all this new energy without worrying about trying to keep track.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The nicest things in life -- food, music, friendship, love -- take time. Today, keep in mind the fact that there’s a direct correlatio­n between the time you spend on a project and the quality of the outcome. If you want to rush through things, that’s your choice to make. But you need to be aware that the consequenc­es could include a shoddy result. Taking short cuts may give you more time, but will it give you more satisfacti­on?

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