Sun.Star Davao

Oregano, nature’s most trusted cough remedy


LONG before tablets and capsules were invented, people made use of leaves and herbs to cure diseases. One of the most popular herbal relief is Oregano which is either boiled or crushed as a remedy to upper respirator­y infections.

Coleus Amboinicus Lour contains the synergisti­c benefits of Carvacrol, the most powerful plant-derived antiseptic and a proven effective expectoran­t to help relieve the symptoms of bronchi- tis and Thymol that’s also known for its anti-microbial property that effectivel­y curbs bronchitis, whooping cough and common colds.

Up to now, Oregano still remains to be nature’s most trusted cough remedy and it is being strengthen­ed in countless scientific studies showing its unquestion­able reputation in providing relief for infections including cough without any records of side effects.

Now, you can experience the pure relief of this medicinal herb in Herbycin.

Herbycin is prepared from fresh, clean and healthy leaves of Oregano and is proven to be clinically safe and effective upon the onset of cough. And since it is 100 percent natural, you need not to worry about feeling dizzy or drowsy. Plus it has a minty flavor to soothe your throat and provide an immediate relief to your cough.

It is available in all leading drugstores nationwide.

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