Sun.Star Davao

No specific threat in Zamboanga region: Palace


MANILA -- Malacañang said on Thursday that there was no specific threat in Zamboanga region contrary to the claim of the United States and three other countries, which issued travel warnings to their citizens from going in that place.

In her regular press briefing, deputy presidenti­al spokespers­on Abigail Valte said that the Aquino administra­tion respects the prerogativ­e of any country to issue precau- tionary measures for its nationals here.

But s he said, “we checked with our security and law enforcemen­t officials and their feedback was (that) they had not monitored any specific threat in that particular area to this effect.”

The US Embassy issued on Wednesday the travel advisory due to “credible threat” of terrorist kidnapping-for-ransom plot against foreigners.

Three other countries - the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada - followed in issuing separate advisories warning their citizens from traveling in Zamboanga region.

Despite not monitoring any specific threat in the southern region, Valte assured that the Armed Forces of the Philippine­s and the Philippine National Police will continue to provide security not only for Filipinos, but for foreigners as well.

Asked if it could be unfair for other countries to issue the travel warning, she said that it was their own prerogativ­e, the same way the Philippine­s issues its own warning to the Filipinos abroad.

“In fact, I think - and the Department of Foreign Affairs will confirm this - I understand that in the wake of the bombing in Boston, we had also issued a similar message to our citizens who may be in that area,” she said.

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