Sun.Star Davao

Young Filipinos meet Asia


DUGONG Dakila, the Philippine­s’ delegates to the 2013 Ship for Southeast Asia Youth Program (SSEAYP), worked hand in hand with foreign counterpar­ts through solidarity groups and discussion groups activites that let them glean the diverse cultures of each nation.

In this last part, Davao region representa­tives Sheldon S. Silva and Sheena P. Onlos, together with the 26 other young Filipinos, brought home new lessons learned from the different institutio­ns in their ports of call. They also got the chance to experience and see how the internatio­nal community worked when one country is in dire need of help.


To each port of call, they came to visit various institutio­ns to learn more about the country’s culture, where they opportune to meet prominent and successful personalit­ies.

“My favorite institutio­nal visit was in Hattori Nutrition College, Japan. We met the man who is responsibl­e about Japanese food culture,” he said.

Sheldon said they met with Dr. Yukio Hattori who gave them a lecture on the importance of Shokuiku.

“I learned that having a healthy diet does not only consist of eating the right food, it is also important to share it with your family. Food is meant to be enjoyed with people and not alone,” he said.

In Thailand, they had fruit craving and learned to cook Japanese food in Japan, were just some of the activities they did.


Share stands for “SSEAYP Helping, Assisting, Rebuilding, Empowering every Juan” was a project done by the delegates to extend help to the victims of Yolanda.

Dugong Dakila was able to experience how the internatio­nal community worked and assisted a country who is in dire need of help.

Sheldon and Sheena recalled that the group had no idea when Yolanda struck the Philippine­s.

“We were cruising the seas and on our way to Vietnam when Yolanda struck, we had no idea that it had hit the Philippine­s,” Sheldon said. He said that only when they turned on the television to check for news that they learned about Yolanda.

Sheena said the two delegates coming from Region 8 were in tears and were worried about their families since they couldn’t reach their families through phone calls.

“It was a struggle for both of them because they had to maintain composure despite feeling down,” Sheldon said.

SSYEAP, being a venue to strengthen the youths’ spirits of internatio­nal collaborat­ion and to contribute to the society, took the lead and hatched the Project Share.

“We had a campaign drive: share a crane, share a champa flower, and share a bamboo fish,” Sheldon said.

For every donation given, they handed out a crane, champa flower, or bamboo fish in exchange.

“For us, it was an overwhelmi­ng experience because of the overwhelmi­ng support,” Sheldon said.

SSYEAP delegates also wrote letters to the victims and donated used clothings. SSYEAP Internatio­nal Singapore was also able to donate around 400 boxes of donations to the Philippine­s.

The 51-day journey onboard the luxury cruise ship Nippon Maru was not a R&R for these young Filipinos. The trip exposed these young men and women to a whole of challengin­g experience­s, breaking down cultural diversitie­s that led to the oneness of the delegates coming from different walks of life.

Also, SSEAYP made these young Filipinos appreciate and understand the culture of their neighbors. The trip not only educated and opened their eyes, but it also built friendship­s and bonds.

Next time when they come to visit any of the countries they had been, they are assured of friends to welcome them.

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 ??  ?? The institutio­nal visits of SSEAYP delegates in their ports of call.
The institutio­nal visits of SSEAYP delegates in their ports of call.
 ??  ?? SSEAYP delegates extend assistance to Typhoon Yolanda victims through Project Share (SSEAYP Helping, Assisting, Rebuilding, Empowering, every Juan)
SSEAYP delegates extend assistance to Typhoon Yolanda victims through Project Share (SSEAYP Helping, Assisting, Rebuilding, Empowering, every Juan)
 ??  ?? Delegates create paper cranes for Project Share (SSEAYP Helping, Assisting, Rebuilding, Empowering, every Juan), a project aimed to support Typhoon Yolanda victims.
Delegates create paper cranes for Project Share (SSEAYP Helping, Assisting, Rebuilding, Empowering, every Juan), a project aimed to support Typhoon Yolanda victims.
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