Sun.Star Davao

Budget-friendly offerings at T-Cup Zone


We Filipinos are certified food lovers.

We enjoy our meals that much and we find time to explore just to discover a new place and new food to that will not only satisfy our palate, but also make sure that it goes well with our budget.

Weeks ago, few members of Davao media and bloggers were invited to the newlyopene­d store along Lapu-Lapu Street in Davao City, the TCup-Zone.

With your P100, you can already enjoy different selection of meals.

Last June 15, the newest food hub opened its doors to Dabawenyos.

"Yung concept is galing sa Taiwan, nung lumapit sila sa amin to venture sa business, sabi ko let's give it a try," T-Cup Zone owner William Go told Sun.Star Superbalit­a Davao in an interview.

Go said they’re trying out new flavors for their milkshakes. Milk teas are perfect refreshmen­ts when you're thirsty.

Flavors available are Fresh Pop Tea, Fruit Ice Shake, and Diamond Jelly Shake. You can also go for their café and Yogurt drinks.

"Marami kaming best-sellers aside sa mga milk tea natin. The customers can choose sa mga snacks natin na mura lang but di naman nasasakrip­isyo ang lasa."

One of their bestseller­s is the Spaghetti Bread which is served with tomato meat sauce or milk cream white sauce, depending on what the customer prefers.

The size of the bread and its creamy taste will satisfy your cravings and will really make you full.

Don’t miss too their rice rolls available in different servings that include sweet corn tuna, roasted pork, roasted chicken, smoked bacon, chicken steak, pork steak and seafood flavors.

If you are a noodle/soup lover, do try their Taiwan beef noodles, Machang noodles, and dried noodles.

"We have a lot to offer. Pag pumasok sila dito parang it’s a store na 4 in 1, kasi variety yung pagkain natin. Pinag-isa na yung apat na stores na medyo familiar tayo then we put all the foods in here."

Lastly, if you’ll visit the place don’t forget to taste their Taiwan Crispy Chicken and Sweet Potato Fries, definitely, you'll love it!

Aside from their delicious but budget-friendly meals, the place offers a cozy and comfy feels to cater the most number of clients.

T-Cup-Zone is located at Yu Uy Building Lapu-Lapu St. Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City.

They also offer free delivery; just call them at (082) 224-4951.

 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? SWEET potato fries.
SWEET potato fries.
 ??  ?? WILLIAM Go.
 ??  ?? CREAMY Spaghetti bread.
CREAMY Spaghetti bread.

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