Sun.Star Davao

Rody open to Con-Ass to amend Constituti­on


CONTRARY to his previous pronouncem­ents, President Rodrigo Duterte has reportedly changed his mind and is now open for Constituen­t Assembly (Con-Ass) as a medium to amend the 1987 Constituti­on.

During a forum by the Management Associatio­n of the Philippine (MAP) in Makati City, House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez disclosed that Duterte already agreed to go for Con-Ass rather than Constituti­onal Convention (Con-Con).

Alvarez said the chief executive was convinced by Budget Secretary Benjamin Diokno during the meeting of the National Security Council in Malacañang on Wednesday.

Diokno argued that Duterte's original proposal to call for an election of Con-Con delegates is highly expensive.

“President Duterte agreed last night [with Diokno]...The [proposal will cost the] national government around P6-7 billion if we will pursue Con-Con,” said Alvarez.

Meanwhile, the House leader allayed fears that Con-Ass can be used by lawmakers for their own vested interest, saying consultati­ons with various sectors will be regularly done to inform the public on its status.

“I assure with the blessing of President Duterte, gagawin namin to nang tama… the Duterte Administra­tion is very determined to do it. We will hold series of dialogues and consultati­ons with various groups para malaman ng publiko ang kabutihan ng federalism­o,” said Alvarez.

Alvarez said lawmakers acting as members of Con-Ass will have one year to finish the revised draft of the proposed new constituti­on. The final draft will be ratified by the public through a plebiscite which, in their time table, will be held during the 2019 mid-term polls.

If the public later agreed during the referendum and accepted the new constituti­on, there will be a transition government for three years and an election will be held by 2022 under the new charter. SUNNEX

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KIWI BULACLAC/PPD OATH TAKING. President Rodrigo R. Duterte administer­s the oath of office of newly-elected officials and members of the League of Province of the Philippine­s (LPP) and League of Cities of the Philippine­s (LCP) at the Heroes’ Hall of Malacañan Palace on...

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