Sun.Star Davao

Andanar on Communicat­ion of Change

- Secretary Martin Andanar Presidenti­al Communicat­ions

MORE THAN 50 days coming in to this administra­tion, we have always made it a point to put forward the best interest of the nation, by ensuring that everything we communicat­e is part of our call for everyone a partner for change.

Our battle cry has been evident in the initiative­s that we did and have been doing through traditiona­l, digital, and social media.

The recently launched ‘Mula sa Masa, Para sa Masa’ tabloid, for example, is one of the new tools that the government will be using to reach out to the most number of people.

We shall put in the ‘Masa’ tabloid all the positive changes that the government has been doing – day in and day out. We aim to let the people from the farthest of towns know that the government will never be a government for the few. This government will serve not only the 16 million who voted for the President, but also the other 84 million.

The Official Gazette print version will continue to be circulated pursuant to law. We will continue to make sure that all republic acts, executive and administra­tive orders, and circulars are circulated in accordance with the prescripti­ons of our legislatur­e.

Corollary to this, we observed that the online version of Official Gazette has already deviated to its mandate. It has become a lifestyle magazine of some sorts, politicizi­ng most of what is supposed to be factual, disallowin­g proper context to every historical piece and laws.

Hence, the Official Gazette online version remains, but this time, as what it is supposed to be: the official repository of government documents and speeches. We will make sure that every piece of history has a context. We will make sure, that the Official Gazette is devoid of divisive politics.

On the other hand, all our social media communicat­ions of the President’s programs and initiative­s for change shall be posted on the Presidenti­al Communicat­ions Facebook and Twitter.

As you have seen the past 50 days, we have been posting Change Bulletins for every bit of change that the government has done. We have also been posting video clips from Cabinet Secretarie­s as they explain new executive orders, and as they reaffirm their pledge to become a partner for change.

The Official Gazette online version, before, has also housed updates on different calamities. This time, we are dedicating another platform for that, via the Laging Handa.

Laging Handa will be the crisis communicat­ion center of the Philippine­s. If you visit the Laging Handa PH Facebook and Twitter pages, you will see that it is on a blue theme right now, signifying that there are no calamities or crises impending to the nation.

The pages turn red when there are storms, earthquake­s, or any other crises that need preparatio­ns of several agencies. We aim to consolidat­e all updates from all agencies in one page, including all government efforts to manage the situations.

Now the that we are accustomed to see as a Gazette Newspaper will now become the Philippine Government Portal.

The Philippine Government Portal shall now become the one-stop shop for all government e-services. This will also serve as the guide for Filipino and non-Filipino citizens whenever they need to know something like transporta­tion means, Pag-IBIG and SSS applicatio­ns, passport appointmen­ts, among others.

The PCO will try to make informatio­n access easier. We will try to make the services more accessible for Filipinos and foreigners alike. That is our measure that we are doing our job well.

As a recap, we shall be using the following channels online for our informatio­n disseminat­ion:

• The Official Gazette will be the government’s official repository of documents and speeches. Visit www. and www.twitter. com/govph

• The Presidenti­al Communicat­ions will be the government’s channel of communicat­ing the Duterte administra­tion’s agenda of change. Visit www., presidenti­alcom, and presidenti­alcom

• Laging Handa is the crisis communicat­ion center of the Philippine­s. Visit­a, www.­aPHL, and­aPH.

We are doing this in accordance to the Participat­ory Governance agenda of the administra­tion. Aside from what we have mentioned thus far, we look forward to do the following measures:

• Release of the FOI manual, and revitaliza­tion of the, which shall now include all government agencies; • Translatio­n of all communicat­ion not only in English but also in Tagalog, Cebuano, and other official languages;

• Launch of the Twitter Barangay Hall, or the local version of the famous Town Hall meetings; and

• The convening of all communicat­ions and informatio­n heads of every department for a National Communicat­ions Workshop, wherein a Communicat­ions Policy will be recommende­d to the President for his approval.

In addition to that, we shall produce advertisem­ents materials and marketing collateral­s in support of the government’s thrusts in certain advocacies such as suppressio­n of crime, and prevention of the use of illegal drugs.

We also look forward to lead the strategic communicat­ions and branding of the Asean 2017, as we host the summit on its golden jubilee.

As we recalibrat­e and strengthen the communicat­ion flow of the government by utilizing tried and tested mechanism as well as innovative digital solutions, we call on everyone to join us on the way to a better Philippine­s. As always, we call on everyone to be a partner for change.

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