Sun.Star Davao

Rename Malacañang


MANILA - PRESIDENT Rodrigo Duterte revealed Thursday that he has plans to rename Malacañan Palace to "People's Palace."

Speaking to reporters in Davao City, the President said the current term of the President's official residence implies imperialis­m, which he said "sucked."

"That's not palace. That was once used to be like that at the time those [colonizers] went here and made us slaves – the Spanish and American people. Call it Malacañan Palace, I only call it The People's Palace," Duterte said.

"One day, I will rename it People's Palace," he added.

The government for over 175 years has owned the Malacañan Palace. Over the years, it has been remodeled, expanded, demolished and rebuilt.

Luis Rocha, a Spaniard in the Galleon trade, was the first recorded owner of the place, which was described as the "relatively modest" country house accommodat­ing the Rochas and their house during the Spanish Colonial Era.

By the time the Americans took over in 1892, Malacañan Palace was improved and enlarged.

The Palace housed the late President of the Commonweal­th Manuel Quezon in 1935.

Malacañan Palace survived the Second World War and the only survivor among the major government buildings of Manila.

Duterte had announced that the Malacañan Palace will be open to the public.

"I have new policy: You can now go inside Malacañang," he said in July during a solidarity dinner held in Tondo, Manila.

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