Sun.Star Davao

Integrity is such a lonely word


IT is just a small word but so rich in meaning. Can one have integrity and power at the same time?

In Philippine politics, one rarely came upon a leader with such quality. It would seem like finding a needle in a haystack. One is confronted with a lot of trash in trying to find pure and simple humility in a heap of garbage inhabiting all levels of government service.

“…the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightnes­s…” such is integrity. But however easy it seems to have such qualities like ordinary mortals in our country, it’s like government servants and so-called national leaders find it so difficult to be true to their avowed service.

President Rody Duterte has a lot of work to do to clean his government, from top to bottom. It is unfortunat­e indeed that the kind of “change” that the Filipino people have dreamed of is farthest from reality, and the president is fully aware of it.

Because there are among those who professed and vowed to serve under his leadership are themselves “wolves under sheep’s skin,” who are ready and all too willing to be consumed by the temptation that they cannot resist.

That is why like many among those who still believe that President Digong can really make a difference to the lives of Filipinos, even if things seem distorted by the very people who promised to help the president in leading the country, I am still hopeful for this administra­tion.

Even if at times we become disappoint­ed with how things turn sour and unlikely, it cannot be denied that the President’s judgment is still sound, and with the Filipinos generally behind him, he is still a force to reckon with.

Thus it is only right for Filipinos to expect the people surroundin­g him to be upright and righteous, and at best humble and trustworth­y. They represent the President in all actions that they do in office, wherever and whenever they face the people. They are supposed to be the bearers of the President’s good intentions and service, and so, they cannot but be true ambassador­s of goodwill for the highest leader of this land.

There is no excuse for bending his laws, even if in their minds, the actions in their office are all “standard-operating-procedures” or SOPs. Everyone under his command must follow not only his rules and regulation­s, but must have that character of discipline in discipline that knows how to be discerning, kind and compassion­ate.

The President was chosen by the Filipinos not because he was tough-talking and brave, but because at some point in his 20 years of service as leader of Davao City he has endeared himself to the people with the broadness of his understand­ing, especially towards the revolution­aries of Mindanao who have fought for ages.

He was loved not only because he was wise in his decisions, but because he knew and was discerning in all his actions in dealing with local problems among his constituen­ts. He was voted for by his people because his sincerity and fairness shone like a knight’s armour at all times.

Thus it is no surprise that he now expects that those surroundin­g him must also have that same spirit of service that he possesses, no less.

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