Sun.Star Davao

Something is happening in the kitchen


“WHEN the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), he called the bridegroom over." John 2:9

Today, may I invite you to attend a wedding with Jesus and His disciples. It was at the wedding at Cana of Galilee that our Lord performed His first miracle. Here, Jesus turned the water into wine. Attending this wedding will open us to learning some spiritual insights which we really need today as we live our lives facing all the raw realities that come along with it.

From the story recorded in John 2:111, we learn that there is a crisis- they are having a shortage of wine even while the wedding feast is still going on. Well, that may not really be a major crisis compared to what you and I are going through... you may be right or maybe, you are being too quick to conclude. According to the custom of the Jews, a wine shortage at a wedding feast is a taboo. Believe me, the mockery and talks among the neighbors will last a decade or more. To us, it is a minor crisis... an apology would quickly resolve it. To them, it is a major crisis. Before we go any further, I think there is a lesson here that we need to underline. The crises experience­d by people are unique and labeling someone’s crisis as minor compared to what you consider major is unwise!

On the humorous side, there was a crisis of wine at the wedding because Jesus brought His disciples along... (hope you got the joke). Kidding aside, there is a lesson here which we need to learn from the kitchen. To those who were outside the kitchen... enjoying the celebratio­n, they did not have the slightest idea about what was happening. All the headwaiter could do was to say that the wine is good and the host is generous. He had no idea that a miracle had happened in the kitchen. As to why Jesus performed this miracle only known to a few, and not to all, will be a mystery to me. All I know was what the servants knew... that something is happening in the kitchen or something wonderful had happened in the kitchen... saving the host from what would have been a great embarrassm­ent.

Well, before I run out of space and words, let me refresh your dry spiritual life as I am being refreshed by this insight. Whatever crisis you are facing, be encouraged that something is happening in the kitchen. You will not see the beauty of the design of a cross-stitched portrait when you look at the back. The back part is ugly and not until you flip it onto the other side can you see its beauty! Again, help is on the way, God is cooking something in His kitchen. Wait until all the recipes have been mixed into one good meal. Something is happening in the kitchen. Learn to have faith again in God; learn to expect again from God; learn to be broken again before God. How blessed are the nameless servants who know what is going on!

Let me end by suggesting that the next time you taste a good wine or a superbly delicious meal, take time to visit the kitchen... talk to the Chef and thank the crew. Added to a splendid meal at the reception table, you gain wise insights from the kitchen! The wedding has ended... the wisdom gained will be forever ours. Thanks for reading... I always write from my heart.

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