Sun.Star Davao

Church waives parking fees


BAGUIO Cathedral director Rev. Felimon William said parking at the church grounds is free for as long as you hear mass and not use the areas as a car garage.

William said parking fees are waived for legitimate mass goers but parking must not exceed an hour and a half to give other parishione­rs a chance to go to church.

He said donations are encouraged to be given to parking attendants by those who use the parking spaces but added it is not mandatory.

With the policy at the cathedral grounds, Williams said there are a lot of violators, who park their cars for half a day or even more, which leaves the staff to neither tow nor fine the vehicle owners.

The priest said they have a business permit and remits to the coffers of the city at least P20,000 in taxes from the monthly collection of P6,000 from parking fees alone debunking millions are derived from parking fees.

He said there are only 13 regular staff members manning the grounds which can accommodat­e to as much as 150 vehicles parked at one time with an additional six on call employees during Sundays when masses take up the entire day.

The Baguio Cathedral or the Our Lady of Atonement Church is beside the priest-run Porta Vaga mall, which has its own parking space but is adjacent to the area of the church, making parking in the vicinity a favorite for motorists.

 ?? Milo Brioso ?? IN BAGUIO. A visit to the city is not complete without going to the Baguio Cathedral. However, on Monday, May 23, the Members of the City Council sought clarificat­ion from the church regarding its parking fee collection policy.
Milo Brioso IN BAGUIO. A visit to the city is not complete without going to the Baguio Cathedral. However, on Monday, May 23, the Members of the City Council sought clarificat­ion from the church regarding its parking fee collection policy.

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