Sun.Star Davao

6 ways to save money on a tight budget


SAVING money on a tight budget is not only possible, it’s imperative.

Here are 6 ways to save money when money is tight.

Shop smarter.Keep the change.Pay yourself first.Save with purpose. Make it automatic.Stop using credit cards.Create a budget.Stay committed.

One unexpected expense can have a huge impact when money is tight. Finding a way to start saving money so that unexpected expenses aren’t so devastatin­g may not be easy.

But shifting your thought patterns can yield long-term results. Being a “saver” as opposed to a “spender” may not be natural to most people, but it can be developed through practice.

Here’s a closer look at eight ways to save money on a tight budget.

1. Shop Smarter. Stop buying things without shopping around for the best price. Make a commitment to comparison shop for essentials and look for coupons and sales online or in your local newspaper. Then, buy the lowest-priced items.

Don’t stop there. Take the difference of the amount you paid and the amount you would normally spend on the item and put that money into a savings account. Even if it’s just a few dollars per shopping trip, those small sums will add up.

2. Keep the change. It seems oldfashion­ed, but take the loose change out of your pocket, your purse or your car tray, and save it in a jar. Look for ways to add more money to your jar. For instance, every time you withdraw cash from the ATM, put 10 percent of what you withdraw into your cookie jar savings.

Every month or quarter, count the money you’ve accumulate­d in your jar and add it to your savings account.

3. Pay yourself first. If your strategy is to wait until everything else is paid and save whatever is left over, reconsider your process.

Consider putting most of your paycheck into your savings account and making a recurring weekly transfer to cover necessary expenses. Then decide whether any excess money should remain in the account to cover any upcoming expenses or be dedicated as extra savings.

4. Save with purpose. It may be difficult to put money back simply for general savings, so it’s important to have a clear reason for your savings.

The purpose may be to have an emergency fund, a vacation fund or something else, but knowing the reason you’re saving will make it easier to avoid using the money on something else.

5. Stop using credit cards. Rather than using a credit card to fund living expenses that are outside of your income, focus on getting rid of credit card debt and then switch to paying in cash only.

If your extra cash each month is spent on making credit card payments, you’ll never be able to save and get closer to your financial goals.

6. Stay committed. Many experts recommend that you save 20 percent of your earnings each year, but that’s not easy to do.

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