Sun.Star Davao

The little things


Have you ever woken up one sunny morning undeniably in a bad mood? Or maybe you woke up happy but somehow ended up irked about something you can’t quite put your finger on? Well, I woke up feeling the latter yesterday morning. Woke up happy despite the fact that I overslept and ran (but didn’t) the risk of being late for work. After all, it is the weekend, who wouldn’t be happy with the promise of being able to sleep in and lounge around the house the whole day on Sunday, right? It had to be a good day if only for that reason!

But no.

There I was, sitting at work, pissed off about something I was not really sure about. It was both weird and puzzling to find one’s self scowling for no apparent reason. How such feelings creep on people initially enjoying their day just baffles me! I felt my heart beat faster out of annoyance. I closed my eyes, let out a sigh and tried to retrace my “activities” that morning for any possible triggers I might have missed. I could not recall any which was even more irritating that I had end one eyebrow raised out of utter discontent. Absolutely miffed with no idea why I was so, made me feel even more agitated. Arghh!!!

I am sure that you have experience­d this and when you try to trace how on earth such a feeling suddenly surfaced, you cannot find any major setback that set it off! The mere fact that I can’t find a reason for the mood change agitates me even more! The unwelcomed stress that comes with trying to find its root cause just make things worse! I thought hard and long about it and realized that it was the “little” things. These are minor occurrence­s that one would usually shrug off and dismiss without much thought. Somehow, when these occur repeatedly as throughout the day, it becomes a major thing that you cannot help but notice. Given one’s “vulnerabil­ity,” it will create needless issues that can ruin your day.

And that’s what happened to me. All those little things that usually do not bother me, do. And it seems that these little things pop up incessantl­y one after the other, much to my chagrin! Suddenly I have sprouted ugly heads ready to snap at anyone who rubs me the wrong way. It’s as if I have done a Mr. Jekyll and Dr. Hyde sort of thing, and I am struggling to get hold of myself before everything goes haywire! We all don’t want to turn into monsters and so we need to try and be calm about the whole thing.

Take a deep breath. Just try to relax and find your place of zen. If the FB posts you see on your wall are making things worse (and raising your blood pressure), then go take a break from it! I have to admit feeling all worked up about fake news and views from people who have proven themselves, time and again, unreliable and self-promoting. It really does get to my nerves, doubly so when I am cluelessly irked about something! Let’s just learn to chillax, feel the sun on our faces and watch those peaceful wisps of white clouds as they dance across the blue sky. Breathe in and out. Yup, that’s it. The world throws enough challenges our way everyday, the last thing we need is more stress. So, chill. If you can’t, learn! Learning to destress is vital to modern day survival. So much is out there so learn to dodge them as much as you can!

These little things that have become a huge pain in the b*tt sometimes just can’t be helped. Learn to accept them and rise above them because surely, better days will be up ahead. We just need to live through tough times. Stand your ground and endure the pain because as bad as it may seem, it makes us better people more equipped to go through tougher times in the future. With faith and prayers, we can survive. Learn to find the silver lining in every gray cloud that rains on your parade. In time, the sun will again be shining through! Happy Sunday Everyone! :)

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