Sun.Star Davao

60 things to do when you turn 60

- Michael del Rosario

AFEW days ago, I saw a book with the above title, edited by Ronnie Sellers, in a boutique bookstore.

It caught my attention, and I browsed thru it. It was a compilatio­n of articles from various contributo­rs. A few ideas did not appear practical to me, but the book did contain some interestin­g topics. As the book was quite expensive and I did not want to be an impulse buyer, I was soon saying to myself, “Perhaps, it does not apply to us, Filipinos.” So I put it back on the shelf!

Beside that book was a book, “50 THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU TURN 50”. And one for the 40’s, and another for the 70’s, each with the number of things to do, getting higher, correspond­ing to one’s new age group. It didn’t sound logical to me. Why should the number of things keep increasing, as one gets older? Shouldn’t the “to do’s” get lesser as we grow older? Thus, in the bookstore, I convinced myself that I was right in not buying the book.

However, after I left the area, I found myself thinking about it and saying to myself, “I should have gotten it”, in spite of the questions popping up in my mind, and the steep price the book was being sold for. Maybe that is one of the 60 lessons I should include in my own list of things to do: As long as affordable, and it won’t make a major dent on my checking account, I should just spend for things of value, like words of wisdom from the experience­s of others.

So I asked Angie to get hold of the book, whether it be online, or otherwise. I hope I can get to read it soon. What are three things I can think of for someone in the 60’s right now?

1. Life should find me preparing, so that death will find me prepared. What matters in the end is God. I must make a list of things I should be doing in line with this. (A good guide would be the question: What should I do to fulfill my purposes in life? This presuppose­s knowing our purposes in life. It would help for me to reread and continue trying to apply “The Purpose-Driven Life” book by Rick Warren)

2. Building good and deep relationsh­ips especially with family members, and those we love and care for. At our deathbed, we would be blessed to have family around us. I should make a list of my loved ones, and things I must do for each of them.

3. Putting financial affairs and material issues in order.

Anything that would make our loved ones have an easier time when we are gone. (easier said, than done – one tough job for someone engaged in business)

How old are you? Would you like to prepare your own list in a number equal to your age? My Dearest Children,

As I am already 64, Ronnie Sellers would expect me to have a list of 64 things to do. However, I would suggest you each write a long list consisting of around a 100 (the age we hope you would reach) items and start crossing them out one by one as you grow older. (a list that gets shorter as you grow older)

Feel free to replace any item you may have listed down, as you grow older and wiser. Time and experience do make a difference in our priorities, needs, and desires.

Remember that wealth can be easily lost, achievemen­ts will be surpassed, records will be broken, tributes will be forgotten, and memories will fade, but only God remains. Fulfill your purposes in life, achieve your goals, and live out your dreams.

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