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Darul Harb and Darul Islam: Ijtihad is key


AFEW days ago, I received a SMS, “Initial report re recovery of (IED). OOA 070830H Oct 2017, an IED was recovered at Brgy Kuden, Talitay, Mag by the peers of Talitay MPS, 19IB, 6ID PA, and Datu Anggal Midtimbang mps at said place believed to be planted by unident members of BIFF targeting government troops passing the said area. IED was composed of 60mm mortar rds and a cp cherry mobile found near the IED. Safety procedure was conducted by EOD Tm, PA.”

This SMS reminded me of the question, “what is in the mind of these groups (violent extremists)? And, “why do they keep on doing these attacks against the government and harming the civilians?”

As a Muslim, I learned that there are two conditions where a society, community, or a nation can be described according to the Islamic perspectiv­e after the death of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). These two conditions are “Darul Harb” and “Darul Islam”.

Oxford Islamic Studies Online describes “Darul Harb” as a “Territory of war”. This term “denotes the territorie­s bordering on dar al-Islam (territory of Islam), whose leaders are called upon to convert to Islam. It is also referred to a territory that does not have a treaty of nonaggress­ion or peace with Muslims; those that do are called Dar al-ahd or dar al-sulh”. (http://www.oxfordisla­ article/opr/t125/e490)

Based on Islamic jurists, this term refers to the regions where Islam does not dominate and where “divine will” is not observed. In contrast, “Darul Islam”, is the name for those areas or territorie­s where Islam does “dominate” and where “submission to the Will of God” is observed. Thus, it is where “peace and tranquilit­y reign”.

What are the political, social, and theologica­l implicatio­ns of these two concepts? The implicatio­ns of these two definition­s may seem complex. For some Muslims, they interpret these two literally and apply its political and legal implicatio­ns. For them, Darul Harb is not separated from Darul Islam by things like the popularity of Islam or divine grace. They are too idealist in looking at things and interpret this concept literally without looking at the present conditions of states and their government­s which have control over a territory.

Because in reality, a Muslim majority nation, not ruled by Islamic law may be still be Darul Harb. Or, a Muslim minority nation ruled by the principles of “Islamic law” could qualify as being part of Darul Islam.

Unfortunat­ely, even the word Islamic Law or Shariah law is being misunderst­ood by many of us. By essence, Islamic law calls for social justice, transparen­cy, and respect of human dignity.

Going back to the main topic, the need to clarify these terms is a must. Violent extremists cloud the minds of every Muslim saying that we are in a state of Darul Harb, they will say “therefore we need to do everything to establish a Darul Islam”.

These are the dangers we are facing now. The violent extremists are taking these old ideas and doctrines much more literally and seriously than the Aleems or

learned Islamic Jurists. The violent extremists look into modern secular government­s in the Gulf countries are not sufficient­ly Islamic to be considered a part of Darul Islam. Because of this, in their view they will use force in order to remove the infidels/kafirs from power and restore Islamic governance to the population. This mindset is exacerbate­d by the belief that if any territory that was once a part of Darul Islam comes under the control of Darul Harb, then that represents an attack on Islam. It is, therefore, incumbent upon all Muslims to fight in order to retrieve the lost land.

Ahmed Khalil, Muslim scholar, clarifies that there is a third state/condition. According to him, “today, the majority of Islamic scholars agrees upon a classifica­tion into three.” He mentioned, “Shaikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi says, in AlShari’ah Wal-Hayah (Islamic Law and Life), Al-Jazeera Channel, dated Tuesday February 6th 2001, these three categories are: A. Dar Al-Islam: The abode of Islam, the Muslim nation. B. Dar Al-Harb: The abode of war, those that have declared war against the Muslim nation. C. Dar Al-’Ahd: The abode of the covenant, the countries that have diplomatic agreements and covenants with the Muslim nation.”

He added, “The concept of Dar Al’Ahd (Abode of Covenant) is obtained from the judicial rulings of manslaught­er, as outlined in the Quran: “Never should a believer kill a believer; but (If it so happens) by mistake, (Compensati­on is due): If one (so) kills a believer, it is ordained that he should free a believing slave, and pay compensati­on to the deceased’s family, unless they remit it freely.” Al-Nisa’: 92 (Abdullah Yusuf Ali).

I agree with Ahmed Khalil’s concluding statement in his article that says, “It is fair to say that the door of Ijtihad (religious endeavour) is always open. The Islamic decrees that are introduced through Fiqh (Islamic jurisprude­nce) into the Shari’ah (Islamic law) are reflective of the social, economic, and environmen­tal circumstan­ces of the time. These circumstan­ces change as time continuous­ly elapses.” Correspond­ing to the change, the Shari’ah (Islamic law) is updated as new decrees are introduced by the appearance of newer issues. The key condition is compliance with the Qur’an and Sunnah (tradition of the Holy Prophet (P)).

It is in this context where we need to provide safe space for Muslims to apply ijtihad to discuss religious or theologica­l matters that our community are facing today.

Ang hindi lang namin matanggap is pinipilit ninyo na extrajudic­ial killing. Why? Because these critics want to arouse the sentiment of the public to go against the governnmen­t. It’s very obvious. Sabihin nila na propaganda namin yan na walang EJK. Bakit ‘yung pag-label nila as EJK hindi ba propaganda? ~ Philippine National Police Chief Ronald Dela Rosa

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