Sun.Star Davao

Duterte, Trump, Jinping together in drug war


US Pres. Donald Trump has declared an all-out war against drugs. Shocked by the recent death statistics that is attributed to drug addiction, Trump announced before an assembly of medical practition­ers, lawmakers, state governors Federal law enforcers an unpreceden­ted campaign against drug syndicates and ordered the Food and Drug Authority to immediatel­y pull out addictive pain killers which had been identified as among the culprits that hook millions of Americans to drugs.

Trump’s revelation stunned the world but closer to home the declaratio­n delivers a blow on the solar plexus of rabid critics of Pres. Rodrigo R. Duterte which had perceptibl­y increased the decibel against the government's unrelentin­g campaign against drugs. Just last week new faces identified with the political opposition had surfaced each questionin­g the President's psychologi­cal behavior and raising doubt on his capability to govern. It is obvious that the new cabal of wrecking crew was fielded as the known political opposition figures have lost their credibilit­y. Meanwhile in America, the out-of-tune Sen. Antonio Trillanes who is facing a warrant of arrest for yet another libel case filed against him, is busy spreading lies to Filipino communitie­s.

It's apparent that the fresh tirade on Duterte was meant to disparage the President and to discredit him on his campaign against drugs. A psychiatri­st named Ana Junia described the President in her Facebook post as narcissist­ic. This was followed closely by Winnie Monsod column in the Philippine Daily Inquirer where she finds similarity in the personalit­y of US President Trump and Duterte whom she described as having narcissist­ic personalit­y disorder. Another lady lawyer, bannered as a topnotcher but whose name escaped me now admonished lawyers and aspiring lawyers not to pursue their profession if they are supportive of the President's war on drugs. The latest to enter the fray is an Aquino lackey and an avowed supporter of the Liberal Party, Vicky Garchitore­na who, for her part, targeted Honeylet Avancena, common law wife of President for her role as host for the gala reception of the wives of heads of state who will be attending the ASEAN summit. But the Duterte bashers have a a heavier dose of brow beating themselves. Junia was advised to see a psychiatri­st herself, Monsod dubbed as failed economic adviser of Aquino and a soap endorser, while Garchitore­na's own well-kept secret is out on WWW. The lawyer is an unknown character nobody seems to bother about her.

Both the President and partner Honeylet weathered the defamation. Moreover luck and public support are on their side. Trump's declaratio­n of a total war against drugs resonates with Duterte's primordial agenda of eradicatin­g the drug syndicates. But there is more to it. UNCHR special rapporteur, Agnes Callamard, who surreptiti­ously came to the Philippine­s on invitation of the Commission on Human Rights and anti-Duterte FLAG lawyers never told us that 175 Americans die daily due to drug addiction. President Trump said seven American lives are lost daily due to drug dependency or 64,000 perished every year. Callamard and a certain Dr. Carl Hart which she had in tow, kept these statistics secretion the Filipino audience, They casually told their audience that drugs cannot kill or damage the brain. But here comes the US President declaring the death statistics and drug addiction in America a national shame and a human tragedy.

So forget the lying Callamard and Dr. Carl. The head of state of America tells us more. What is more worrisome is that thousands of new-born babies suffer from extreme pain and other affliction because of the effects of drug while still in the womb of their drug-hooked parents.

Trump dubbed the menace of drug in America as an epidemic and declared the strategic steps he had started to combat drugs as a national emergency. Already over 2-million Americans are certified drug addicts while countless more are into drugs and have to be rehabilita­ted. He admitted that what they have today is the worst drug crisis in the US history and that Americans are the largest consumers in the world.

The shocking disclosure makes Philippine­s’ drug problems in the same category as that of America but the latter is more complex. Trump ordered the immediate pullout of diploids, a pain-relieving medication­s, from the market as they are found to be addictive. Federal law enforcers were directed to secure airports and sea ports from the illegal entry of synthetic drugs from China and to commence building the perimeter wall between the US and Mexico where 90% of the illegal drugs are coming from. He signified that he is going to talk to China Pres. Xi Jinping and knowing how President Duterte has stood firmly in his war against drugs, it is not far fetched that the three heads of state will have a special meeting during the Asean summit on how to address the scourge of drugs. As Trump emphasized, "together we fight illegal drugs".

As Duterte vowed to eradicate drugs from day one in his presidency, Trump told his American constituen­cy: "We will be the generation that will put an end to the drug epidemic".

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