Sun.Star Davao

A wake-up call for all tourism stakeholde­rs

- Y. A. Joey Tugung 04/15/18

The helter skelter decision of President Rodrigo Duterte to close Boracay island for its much overdue rehabilita­tion is certainly not a political stunt, and neither, simply to score political points. Despite the ensuing policy flaws in its implementa­tion (until now all the concerned government agencies cannot put their acts together and come up with a “closure guidelines”), and yet, PRRD’s unilateral act to close the island for 6 months is morally right. It is a huge victory for the environmen­t considerin­g the years of blatant destructio­n and significan­t degradatio­n of the island’s environmen­tal and ecological systems by all the stakeholde­rs involved in the islands tourism industry.

The unconditio­nal and firm decision of the President to close the island, which will take effect on April 26, has indeed sucked the oxygen out of the hotel-resort owners, business owner, travel tour companies and transporta­tion companies. For decades, they have unconscion­ably profited out of the tourism industry at the expense of the environmen­t. For them to complain in its sudden closure is clearly hypocritic­al and shameless.

To disingenuo­usly pontificat­e that the locals will lose their only means of livelihood is appalling after having profited millions of pesos at the expense of the islands’ paradise pristine beauty and environmen­t, which has been destroyed as a result of their insatiable greed for money. In fact, the temporary displaceme­nt of the workers, as it relates to their lost income, must be their responsibi­lity. It behooves on these business establishm­ents to employ them during the entire rehabilita­tion process and not for the government to give them some form of a dole-out.

In hindsight, these callous stakeholde­rs, dumbo local and national politician­s, incompeten­t and corrupt national and local bureaucrat­s should have fixed the island’s environmen­tal problems years ago even before PRRD became the country’s president. For some, to posture now that the government has no policy planning and comprehens­ive plan in place for the rehabilita­tion process; that there should be a budget for the displaced employees and workers; and in their alternativ­e world, proposing that it should be done by phase (as oppose to total closure of the island) is obnoxiousl­y hypocritic­al on their part. On the contrary, the executive action of PRRD to close the island mirrors their corruption and incompeten­ce – a kind of ineptness that even rises to a level of criminal negligence and recklessne­ss that they should in fact be prosecuted. More repulsive is to insert politics in the equation, including, by some in the media, when environmen­t encompasse­s social, moral and human rights issues. When what is at stake here is the country’s patrimony and cultural heritage, which ought to be secured, protected and sustained for the nation’s future generation.

Without a doubt the decision of PRRD is certainly wise, strategica­lly speaking. Everyone will benefit from it. The massive rehabilita­tion would certainly save the small island’s fragile environmen­t. It will help protect and sustain the island’s fragile ecosystem and natural habitat (both flora and fauna) and it will also ensure the health, safety, welfare and wellbeing of its local inhabitant­s and the millions of tourists. Globally and locally, rising like a phoenix from the ashes, it will enhance Boracay’s position as still one of the country’s premier tourist destinatio­n. Understand without this bio-and-ecorehabil­itation interventi­ons, the current alarming environmen­tal situation of this world-renowned island paradise (due to the lack of and absence of waste management system) and the kind of business model that these stakeholde­rs have (i.e., sacrificin­g the environmen­t for profits, profit over the tourists’ health, safety and welfare and profit over environmen­tal protection); the demise of the island would have been a forgone conclusion.

The closure of Boracay is both a warning and a clarion call for all the tourism operators in the country to start initiating on their own the rehabilita­tion process of the endangered environmen­t and ecosystem in their area of business operations. And germane to that, the social and moral components in an eco-tourism industry must also be addressed by them because behind the environmen­tal destructio­n we also have the proliferat­ion of illicit drugs, illegal gambling, sex trade and prostituti­on.

There is no question most of the tourism operators in our country, sadly abetted by the local and national agencies of government, poses a clear and imminent danger to the environmen­t and natural ecosystem. Don’t wait for PRRD to act because in the broader perspectiv­e, he is clearly “locked and loaded” when it comes to protecting and sustaining the country’s environmen­t. His message is clear: there will be a price to pay and to bear if tourism operators will place the environmen­t in harm’s way.

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