Sun.Star Davao

PCGG abolition and transition­al justice


MANY times and situations in Philippine national life have called for the applicatio­n of transition­al justice-dealing with the past (TJ-DwP) and recent events underscore the severity of consequenc­es when it is not systematic­ally pursued.

The list covers not only horrendous abuses committed by Spanish, American, and Japanese forces in pursuit of their colonial agenda but also those that occurred under Filipino watch. More contempora­ry examples include the Marawi crisis of 2017 and extrajudic­ial killings related to the antiillega­l drugs campaign.

But the rule of Ferdinand Marcos from December 1965 to February 1986 stands out as a period showcasing massive and systematic abuses of human rights directed not only at specific groups and communitie­s but also the entire nation. To advance the interest of his family and those aligned with him and also perpetuate themselves in power, Marcos caused— through direct orders, by setting up the environmen­t that enabled it, or plain inaction—violations of civil, political, economic, and cultural rights at such a scale and over a long period of time that Marcos became part of a global line-up of brutal dictators and his wife Imelda became an updated symbol of Marie Antoinette associated with vulgarity and excess. Worse, Filipinos of today still feel the consequenc­es of these violations particular­ly the onerous foreign debt that we are still paying.

There are many frameworks and responses for post-colonial and post authoritar­ian situations. But the incorporat­ion of TJ-DwP is important to address human rights abuses that in the move to the new dispensati­on could end up being swept under the rug.

TJ-DwP is not a special type of justice but according to the United Nations is “justice adapted to the often unique conditions of societies undergoing transforma­tion away from a time when human rights abuse may have been a normal state of affairs. ”Undertakin­g TJDwP deliberate­ly entails mechanisms and measures in pursuit of four pillars: the rights to know, justice, reparation, and guarantee of non-recurrence. All four pillars are important and have reinforcin­g effects. A number of efforts related to TJ-DwP were initiated after Marcos was ousted in 1986. These include the creation of mechanisms such as the Commission of Human Rights (CHR), Presidenti­al Commission on Good Governance (PCGG), and human rights offices in the security sector. Laws on reparation (RA 10368 and 10766) were passed and gave birth to the Human Rights Victims Claims Board. CHR undertook an initial investigat­ion of the Palimbang massacre committed under Marcos and planned to establish a museum on the Marcos Martial Law period. The Constituti­on also has more stringent provisions on the declaratio­n of martial law.

However, the Transition­al Justice and Reconcilia­tion Commission establishe­d as part of the Bangsamoro peace process noted that the initiative­s, while good, came across as piecemeal rather than part of a comprehens­ive strategy and did not enjoy the support coming out of broad and transparen­t consultati­ons. Things were indeed happening, but it wasn’t clear to many Filipinos why and to what end.

This weak constituen­cy for holistic TJ-DwP post-Marcos is among the reasons the Philippine­s seems to be reversing many of its democratic gains. Another, and perhaps bigger, reason is that there are insidious and highly-funded forces at work to erode and even undo initiative­s to bring the Marcoses to justice and prevent another dictatorsh­ip. These schemes were started years ago, have incubated well, and found a better environmen­t under the Duterte administra­tion.

The schemes include efforts to discredit and cripple the CHR and undermine and remove those in judiciary and executive offices such as the Ombudsman and COMELEC that are opposed to the ‘political rehabilita­tion and revival’ of the Marcoses. Recently, the House voted to abolish the PCGG and transfer its functions to the Office of the Solicitor General that is headed by an official who is an open campaigner of the Marcoses.

To those who insist that these are simply to streamline governance and without the blessings of Malacañang, the Presidenti­al Spokespers­on said that most of PCGG’s functions have been accomplish­ed. This, despite the gnawing sense that only a small portion of the suspected US$5 to 10 billion plundered by the Marcoses has been recovered.

The challenge is greater under an administra­tion described by observers as “Duterte but propped by interests aligned with the Marcoses, Arroyos, and even Estradas” whose leadership were contested in their time. But there is no better time to resist authoritar­ianism and elite rule than when they are shamelessl­y rearing their ugly heads. Email feedback to magszmagla­

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