Sun.Star Davao

crossword puzzle



1 bend out of shape / distort 4 base / barracks / site for outdoor living 8 be indebted / under obligation 10 speck / spot 11 Emergency Room 12 vessel / duct 14 musical note 15 often / frequent 18 longed for / craved 21 to annoy by constant faultfindi­ng, complainin­g 24 a sudden favorable turn in business 26 reverie 27 to give up one’s rights in / surrender formally 28 completes ‘either’ 29 begone! / at a distance 31 round flat bread that can be split open to form a pocket for a filling 33 prepositio­n 34 topmost edge of a cup 35 a tropical root crop and the edible source of poi 37 not binding / to vacate 38 walking stick / the slender, jointed flexible stem of certain plants 40 once more / over again 42 plunge / a sharp descent or sudden drop 44 elevated railway 46 periods in history 48 sinew 49 ‘and’ in French 50 fortune teller 52 flat ledge 54 central part of a church 56 young goat / a child 57 manage / perform a surgical procedure 59 faucet / strike lightly and rapidly 60 printer’s measure 61 title given certain monks and clerics 62 railroad 64 not speaking / silent 66 gone by / before now 67 availed of / not new 68 blackthorn


1 great sorrow / grief 2 askew / not straight 3 anent 5 commercial 6 form / shape 7 school associatio­n of parents and teachers 9 uncommon / not completely cooked 12 to make different from one another 13 to break or sever suddenly / simple; easy 15 woodwind 16 prepositio­n 17 prepositio­n 19 mild yellow cheese in a round mold with a red paraffin coating 20 send out / discharge 21 northeast 22 fuss 23 gentleman 25 sailor 27 a number of vehicles traveling together 30 broader 32 not expressed but implied 34 snakes that crush their prey in their coils / woman’s long scarf 36 a unit 39 a table with a flat sloping top for writing, drawing 41 white anglo-saxon protestant / hornet 42 dexterous / skillful 43 pace / gait 45 Hawaiian wreath of flowers and leaves worn about the neck 47 small rough building for shelter or storage 48 to shut with force and noise 49 Imelda is to the Philippine­s as she is to Argentina 51 editor 53 cupid 55 prepositio­n 57 difficult or unpleasant task 58 therefore 60 large flightless Australian bird 63 caviar 65 pronoun 66 (chem) the element aluminum

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