Sun.Star Davao

Paradigms and bitter realities

- ( Sun.Star CDO Nef Luczon

IHAVE this friend who told me that all workers in the government are civil servants. They should work equally and achieve a common goal: putting the best interest of Filipino citizens up front. Unfortunat­ely in reality, it does not work that way in some aspects.

Working in government is still the best option for one to survive economical­ly. A full-time tenured worker in the government can earn double compared to tenured managers at some private companies. Or at least that’s how they let you believe. While some government workers put their heart to genuinely serve the public, there are those who exist working in government for the benefits, putting the quality of service second over their personal interest.

My friend also said that there should be no hierarchy among the ranks of government workers. Those who have positions were only given authority to implement policies. Of course, she knows what I also know: it’s not even close at how it is being observed now inside some government offices.

There are government agencies or offices that have officials who bear the mindset of little feudal lords. They see the agency they managed as little kingdoms where they rule over his or her little subjects. His or her whims or caprices are automatic unwritten laws and policies, even these are already overriding their mandates from the laws, people, and the Constituti­on.

A slight hint of dissent or objection, they consider it as an affront to their authority and at some point they consider it personal. And this is not even Malacañang yet. We’re not even talking the politics and dynamics of approving private contractor­s to do government projects and supply resources.


It was a good experience getting a free training in dragon boat over the weekend. It was perhaps the first cityinitia­ted activity so that the public are encouraged to appreciate the sport.

Cagayan de Oro needs to catch up on dragon boating. Its first group was organized by Liceo de Cagayan University, and now with the sport facility making it public, it’s expected to create more groups as also this year, a dragon boat competitio­n is expected to take place aligned with the city fiesta this August.

Philippine­s has also been winning dragon boat races overseas. Iligan City’s team recently grabbed medals in China and Hong Kong earlier this year. It would be also nice to see a Kagayanon team compete in both national and internatio­nal stage.

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