Sun.Star Davao



Everyone is crazy about having fair skin. Obsession about whitening one’s complexion is the trend. However, it does not take away the fact that having morena skin is fun! Brown is beautiful, regardless of what the trends tell us.

For morenas, it is just as important to take care of the skin and ensure that it is smooth, glowing and in perfect health. Thus, below I present to you how you can take care of your beautiful (yes, morena is beautiful!) skin. 1. Moisturizi­ng daily Having a morena complexion means that when it gets dry, the skin looks ashen. You can help avoid this by keeping your skin more radiant, young-looking and fresh through a good moisturize­r. Skin Inc. offers serums that are custom made for every skin type. Priced at P8,900, it can be a costly option, but it is worth it. For a cheaper product, try using BeautyMNL’s Mizon Snail Recovery Gel Cream for P550. 2. Using a skin toner Using a skin toner on a daily basis will help keep your skin stay youthful and fresh. Skin toners also help rid your skin of excess oil and acne. It also aids in closing the pores. The use of skin toners is not as frequent as other skincare products, but they do make much difference in taking care of your morena skin. For toners, I suggest Garnier’s Micellar 3. Using a face mask It is a good idea to use a face mask on a weekly basis to help your skin stay moisturize­d and to remove blemishes. There are face masks for sale in the market, but there are also many recipes out there you can use to make your homemade face mask that is just as effective yet much cheaper.

Here is an example of an excellent homemade face mask recipe: Mix 1 tablespoon honey with 1 free-range egg. Apply it on your face and let it stay there for 10 minutes. Wash it off using lukewarm water.

You can customize this homemade face mask recipe to make it suit various skin types. For oily skin, only use the egg whites and for dry skin, using just the egg yolk gives out excellent results. 4. Using sunscreen A morena skin can benefit from using sunscreen just as other skin tones do. A fair skin may burn quickly, but a darker complexion can also suffer the same consequenc­es when unprotecte­d. To avoid damaging your skin, make sure to use sunscreen whenever exposed to the sun for a considerab­le period. It is also worth noting that you should use a sunscreen that has a high SPF. Try using Biore’s Aqua Rich Watery Gel for P485 at 5. Exfoliatin­g weekly Just as sunscreen can benefit all skin types, exfoliatio­n can also be beneficial for those with morena skin. Exfoliatio­n removes dead skin cells and brings out your natural skin color. Exfoliatio­n also reduces the chances of getting acne, blackheads, and whiteheads. Gently rubbing your skin with olive oil mixed with sugar is a good recipe. You may also buy commercial exfoliatin­g lotions if you like. For P240, St. Ive’s Apricot Scrub is an excellent choice.

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 ??  ?? Water. It is available in almost all grocery stores for P250.
Water. It is available in almost all grocery stores for P250.
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