Sun.Star Davao

Should I worry about ovarian cyst? (part 2)

(Foreword: This is the continuati­on of our response to Martha of Piapi regarding her query on ovarian cyst.)


Dear Martha of Piapi,

We are on the final league. After those types of cysts, let’s move on to treatment. So, what is the treatment? One good thing here is, most of the ovarian cysts do not need any treatment at all. Meaning, they just go away on their own – even without us, lifting our fingers against them. But, you have a problem, if the cyst is large or causes you problems. If this happens, your doctor may just want to observe and watch it. This means that you won’t do anything right away. You have to just wait and see at the moment. But, you have always to be ready, because your doctor will check it again later.

You didn’t mention about the pain. You probably have overlooked it. But, if ever, you feel some pain, you can take some analgesics. You don’t have to suffer from pain. There are a lot of ways to get you away from pains.

Some doctors, however, will prescribe birth control pills. But, always remember that the hormones in the pills won’t cure you. They won’t make those cysts go away, but they can help prevent new ones.

But, we again have a problem if the cysts are large, do not go away, or cause symptoms. At this point, you may need surgery. Moreover, cysts in women near menopause may need surgery. This is because cysts at this time may be cancerous. After your doctor opens you up, he or she will decide, if he would just remove the cyst, or the ovary. The decision of your surgeon will depend on what kind of cyst you get. So, if ever, you feel that your cysts are giving you some trouble and you need to have surgery, be sure to discuss this with your doctor – so, you will know what to expect, or would you still have your ovaries with you after the surgery or not.

Well, I hope that helps. Good luck!

Dr. Fritz

(Dr. Fritz Legarde Espedilla is an aesthetic dermatolog­ist and surgeon and a clinical sexologist. She is also trained in hypnothera­py and Medical Acupunctur­e. She has been in the broadcast media for more than a decade and has written a book based on her 15 year stint with her radio program, “Healthy is Sexy Secrets ni Dr. Fritz.” For your questions, you may e-mail them to If you don’t wish your letter to be published, we regret that we cannot answer them. Thank you for your understand­ing.)

Always remember that the hormones in the pills won’t cure you. They won’t make those cysts go away, but they can help prevent new ones.

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