Sun.Star Davao

Is innovation in gov’t achievable?


GOVERNMENT needs a thorough overhaul in the Digital Age. Or it will be the very reason why we are not going to grow as a country. Embracing innovation research of OECD (Organisati­on for Economic Co-operation and Developmen­t) in 2017 highlights innovation in government to be about finding new ways to impact the lives of citizens, and new approaches to activating them as partners to shape the future together. It involves overcoming old structures and modes of thinking and embracing new technologi­es and ideas. The potential for innovation in government is immense; however, the challenges government­s face are significan­t.

The OECD report called on government­s to focus on several areas in particular to maximize the potential for innovation. First is to signal innovation as a priority. This can be done through political support and capacity building. Innovation is unlikely to take root in government unless senior leaders communicat­e that it is an important priority. This includes acknowledg­ement that sometimes failure is an acceptable outcome. This empowers civil servants to try new approaches and take calculated risks. Their capacities should also be strengthen­ed by reinforcin­g their innovation skills.

Second is to enable connection­s across and beyond government. This includes fostering communicat­ion and informatio­n sharing across and beyond government, by harmonizin­g rules and developing connection points and networks. Civil servants should have at their disposal means of connecting with each other formally and informally, and for connecting with the public. Government­s can foster these connection­s by building cross-cutting networks and providing platforms for collaborat­ion across organizati­ons and sectors. Government­s should enable these connection­s through clear policy that ensures civil servants are empowered to reach across boundaries, have conversati­ons and share informatio­n.

Third is to promote trust through transparen­cy and responsive­ness. To build long-term innovative capacity, citizens must trust that the government has their best interests at heart; otherwise, they are unlikely to cooperate with user-centered approaches and accept the outcomes of new policies and services. Government­s can help build this trust by being open about activities and decisions that affect people. However, transparen­cy is not enough. Citizen input must be considered and acted on, as appropriat­e, in visible ways.

Finally, the government should forge partnershi­ps with all relevant players. Although many countries are insourcing and building up skills and abilities inside government­s, government­s cannot do it all. Strategic and ongoing partnershi­ps must be forged with civil society organizati­ons, businesses, experts, and the public. Each of these has unique strengths and competenci­es, and innovation in government accomplish­es its biggest successes when all three come together. Civil servants must therefore have the ability to balance and interpret the sometimes competing priorities of these different groups, and be empowered to make decisions on how to proceed with what they learn. Government­s from other jurisdicti­ons and countries can also serve as useful partners, as many share common challenges and may have devised solutions that can be replicated or learned from.

The so-called Comelec debt fiasco with Sofitel is a classic example of how public or government finances work. Citizens may surmise all types of allegation­s here - but for me, I still want to see it as part of the procuremen­t process. Government procuremen­t process is a nightmare. So, for innovators who want to fully actualize and create really mind-blowing impactful programs in government, think again.

The government bias toward hard projects is not only a political thing – it is a whole-of-government mindset. The process, the red tape, the dynamics, the politics, the lack of foresight, and many more – all rolled into one fiasco. It is easier to procure a ballpen and paper than fund an innovation project. In the middle of my term as councilor, I was forced to choose to recommend a drainage constructi­on instead of a holistic set of interventi­ons to upskill and reskills the workforce for various niche areas like software developmen­t, animation, game developmen­t and other technologi­es. I know the drainage work is important and in fact, should be taken from the general fund and not on a project fund supposedly for programs I wish to recommend under my committees.

In one instance, I was able to secure a national government sponsorshi­p for a major tourism project in Bacolod -- funds to pay for the convention hall. I rigorously processed the papers but due again to political dynamics and the protracted process, the national fund was never released, and I paid the convention hall on my own in monthly installmen­ts because the amount was huge. That is the reality of government finances. This is the frustratio­n of people who want to do more inside government.

Today, the government probably, both at the local and national level, is a contender for the greatest number of long-standing accounts with the private sector. Before we criticize people in government about transparen­cy and accountabi­lity – let us understand – how slow, restrictiv­e, limited, shortsight­ed public finance is in the Philippine­s. It is like there is a consensus that every public fund will be stolen, and will be misused, so let us restrict its use, make the process tedious, and limit how it can be used. Sadly, the result is different - for innovators who want public resources to be put to good use – we leave the system. For those who do not care how it is used, they follow the rules but find a way to misuse the funds. /

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