Sun.Star Davao

Clarity and discernmen­t

- STELLA A. ESTREMERA saestremer­

WHO would have thought that the Holy Books were preparing us for today when it was calling on the faithful to be discerning? But it’s all there as we learn of yet another account that is hacked and another investment scheme turned scam. Both prey on two different human emotions – concern for the alleged friend in distress asking for money and greed for money.

At both times, a little discernmen­t will go a long way. The fool-proof method when an alleged friend asks for money through an Internet messaging app is to call the friend. If he or she picks up and sounds like your friend, then go. Others prefer to ask trick questions that only a friend can answer. With regard to investment schemes that are scams, the operating phrase is: if it’s too good to be true, it’s bad.

Why bring in the holy books? Because it’s all there and we know it. We just convenient­ly do not want to heed its advice.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instructio­n.” - Proverbs 1:7

Let’s simplify it. Gaba or bad karma. If you are convenient­ly traipsing outside the limits of what’s good in the belief that you’re just there for the quick one-time gain, good luck. Galatians 6:7 already warned you: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”

As the Bisaya would say, “Ang gaba dili magsaba (Bad karma will not announce itself ).”

You may want the positive tack – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understand­ing. In all your ways acknowledg­e him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3: 5-6). What’s difficult to understand there? Seek divine knowing and not human understand­ing. But, maybe, some would rather put things in their hands and minds. It’s really your call, anyway, there are more lifetimes to perfect your soul.

Bottomline, discern and follow the straight path for there lies no deceit nor oneupmansh­ip, there’s just you becoming.

Trying to set an appointmen­t for a livelihood opportunit­y for a mother who spent time in jail, we had to navigate through the time she brings her son to and from school and at the back of my mind was the question why we even had to adjust our schedules to when a child goes to and from school?

I shelved my thoughts and that tinge of resentment, I didn’t want to go there. I simply thanked the fact that I lived a life of privilege when a child as young as seven can ride the jeepney home by her self from Matina to Bago Aplaya and no one thought that was neglectful of my parents because that was just how it was. Every child whose parents didn’t have a car or the time to fetch their kids from school or lived outside the school bus route, rode home in a jeepney. All children were safe, all young women were safe. Those, indeed, were privileged years. The era when the whole society looks out for the children and a single rape case can shock the whole country.

That was in the past, can we bring it back? We can, if we all want to.

Email: saestremer­, fb: /saestremer­a, IG: @saestremer­a, Tiktok: @stellaestr­emera

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