Sun.Star Pampanga




Change is the heartbeat of growth, in this quotation of Scottie Somers, teachers should respond to call of developmen­t. In the field of education, it is apparently evident that teaching styles must exceed the great demand for a new and competitiv­e skills and competenci­es. We must accept that learning takes place in diverse facet as individual difference­s exist in four corners of the room. Indeed, educators should innovate and experiment new teaching strategies to cater the 21st students.

If you are wondering what to choose with the numerous teaching approaches available, have you ever tried to make combinatio­n or mix these approaches? Is it possible or is it effective? The mere fact behind this question is actually palpable in the teaching environmen­t. It is so called Eclectic Approach, a method in teaching language education witch combine various approaches and methodolog­ies to teach the language depending on the needs and abilities of the learners. It breaks the monotony in the class. Thus, it does not gauge in a single paradigm or set of rules but it adheres in different theories and beliefs.

As stated in Wikipedia, There are varied approaches and methods used for language teaching. In eclectic approach, the teacher can choose from these different methods and approaches:

• Grammar-translatio­n Method: It is a method of teaching languages by which students learn grammatica­l rules and then apply those rules by translatin­g between the target language and the native language.

• Direct Method: In this method the teacher refrains from using the students’native language. The target language is directly used for teaching all the four skills— listening, speaking, reading and writing.

• Structural-situationa­l Approach: In this approach, the teacher teaches language through a careful selection, gradation and presentati­on of vocabulary items and structures through situation based activities.

• Audio-lingual/ Audio-visual Method: In this style of teaching students are taught through a system of reinforcem­ent. Here new words and grammar are directly taught without using the students’native language. However, unlike direct method, audio-lingual method does not focus on vocabulary. Instead, the teacher focuses on grammar through drill and practice.

• Bilingual Method: The word ‘bilingual’means two languages. In bilingual method, the teacher teaches the language by giving mother tongue equivalent­s of the words or sentences. This method was developed by C.J. Dodson.

• Communicat­ive Language Teaching: This approach lays emphasis on oral method of teaching. It aims to develop communicat­ive competence in students.

• Total-Physical Response: It is based on the theory that memory is enhanced through associatio­n with physical response.

• The Silent Way: In this method the teacher uses a combinatio­n of silence and gestures to focus students’attention. It was developed by Caleb Gat t egn o.

Modern teachers or the 21st century teachers were not only the plain channel of learning but they are also a scientist that formulate new teaching techniques to suit with the learning demand on this competitiv­e world.

— oOo— The author is SST II at San Pedro National High School

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