Sun.Star Pampanga

How to have a healthy and peaceful relationsh­ip with social media

- BY ERIKA MARIEL B. GINES Sun.Star Staff Writer

In an ideal world, your Instagram flat-lays are always perfect, Twitter is home to your wellinform­ed political opinions, and Facebook is where we come to bestow likes on all our favorite people. In the rush to curate the pictureper­fect social media life, are we cultivatin­g a toxic online habit? Here are tips on how to maintain a healthy and peaceful relationsh­ip with social media:


The Marie Kondo philosophy need not just be applied to an overflowin­g closet: We all have an app or ten we haven’t bothered opening in a while, and just like throwing out old clothes we no longer need, pre-loved games and once-trendy social media accounts can also head into the bin. By reducing the amount of apps on your daily rotation and unfollowin­g accounts that no longer serve a purpose, I guarantee you’ll be much closer to zen than ever befor e.

Pick an alternativ­e

Instead of making a habit out of mindless feed scrolling, download a more enriching alternativ­e to pass the time: An e-book reader could do. Kindle, Bookari, and Google Books are all great platforms for PDFs and EPubs, not to mention the large, free web library literally at your fingertips. There’s nothing like devouring poetry and prose to rediscover your love of liter at u r e.

Unfriend/ Unfollow

Let’s face it, not all of us like what our dear friends post online. Your social media accounts are not a testament to your friendship, so if you don’t like what you see, or don’t agree with someone else’s poorly expressed opinions, don’t hesitate to click that ever-convenient unfollow button. It’s discreet, easy, and no one gets hurt.

Beware: overshare Don’t

Where do we draw the line between etiquette and excess? Social media is the Dear Diary of the 21st century, but this doesn’t mean it’s okay to spam all your friends with every detail of your day –good or bad. When the status update is turning into a dumping ground, skip the typing and vent offline. Keep personal matters private, and never air your dirty laundry in public.

Disconnect to detox

Do you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through Facebook while stuck in traffic? Are you constantly refreshing your Twitter timeline while waiting for your food to arrive? Is Instagram Story bringing out the FOMO in you? Well, even God rested on the seventh day, and so should you. It's time to unplug and unwind. Consider social media detox for a week or a month and see how it can make you feel stress-free and happier.

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