Sun.Star Pampanga

Cosme and Kevin on impeachmen­t rap vs. PDU30


Cosme: What can you say about the impeachmen­t complaint against PDU30 filed by a partylist representa­tive, a member of the minority in Congress?

Kevin: Legal experts say it is bound to fail. I say the impeachmen­t rap is meaningles­s, a chasing of the wind. As a matter of fact, any attempt to dethrone the President is an exercise in futility. Cosme: Why do you say so? Kevin: Well, it’s simply because the congressme­n who go with the grain of the Duterte administra­tion have the number to block the impeachmen­t.

Cosme: We all know that CGMA was stripped off her chairmansh­ip for voting against the enactment of the penalty Bill. Given her non-compromisi­ng stand, do you expect her to vote for the impeachmen­t of the President to get even? Kevin: No. Cosme: Why? Kevin: It is because the representa­tive of the second district is a Capampanga­n and the Capampanga­n people always pay a debt of gratitude.

Cosme: How about the Vice President, is she involved in the move to impeach PDU30?

KEVIN: Yes, if I have to believe the PDU38 himself had said, “Robredo is in a hurry to become Pr esi d en t .”

Cosme: Do you agree with the President in telling on the Vice President? Kevin: Yes. Cosme: Why is she in a hurry? Kevin: Well, to borrow a line from Alvarez, Leni is in a hurry because she is afraid the Supreme Court may come out with Bongbong’s electoral protest and find herself as the losing candid at e.

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