Sun.Star Pampanga



The author is Teacher Pam panga


There is no point to argue even just for the sake of argument about the importance of mathematic­s in our daily lives. In a matter of factly statement, Mathematic­s is important for everyone just like it is one of the very important tools in the tool box of life. According to Roger Bacon, an English monk, a philosophe­r and scientist, “For the things of this world cannot be made known without a knowledge of mathematic­s”. Therefore, as mathematic­s is one of the basic fundamenta­ls of learning, teachers should not let mathematic­s be neglected in teaching.

If that is so, then the problems of the pupils with regard to learning mathematic­s should be clearly identified by the teacher in order to be able to address the problem at once, so that the pupils will not have difficulty in learning mathematic­s. As what Jerome Brunner said that “Discovery teaching is self-rewarding, learning to learn, active participat­ion on the part of the learners, and it is long lasting.” Consequent­ly, teachers should have a very good grasp of discovery teaching in mathematic­s to make the teaching in-put much easier and more effective. That is so, because the pupils themselves are the ones who discover their “own learning.” And how rewarding for the teacher when he/ she hears the pupils shout, “Eureka!”

— oOo— III at Alasas Elementary School, City of San Fernando,

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