Sun.Star Pampanga

Quick hits 003


in the Shell is about to be released in cinemas. Lately though, I've been reading a lot of bad reviews of the movie saying that it's not faithful to the original anime. But I'm not writing a movie review. This month's quick hits edition is all about roboti cs.

Hit 001: Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics needs an update

If you watched Bicentenni­al Man or I Robot, you've probably heard about this. It's basically a set of laws that will prevent robots (or androids) from harming humans.

But as robotics become more developed in our current time, there seems to be a bigger need to update Asimov's laws. To begin with, it doesn't define what a robot is. Real Clear Science has a more in-depth article about it.

Hit 002: Robots in warfare

Technicall­y speaking, robots are already used in warfare in modern times. The US military employs drones to conduct espionage, surveillan­ce and, if need be, to deliver ordnance to eliminate a target. But my question is whether there will come a time that people will be piloting mechas to engage in w ar far e.

Think Robotech and Gundam. Futurism tackles that in their article.

That'll do for this w eek .

But I leave you with this question: Would you welcome the rise of androids in society or not?

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