Sun.Star Pampanga



Benefits of Diverse Schools Most companies now look for highly trained employees of all races, religions, cultures, and economic background­s, because they believe this is necessary for one business to succeed.

They also believe college graduates should have experience in sharing ideas and viewpoints with diverse groups of people.

Diversity can flourish in schools, where students can have opportunit­ies to learn about each other’s background­s, increasing the exchange of new ideas and challenges.

This is called a melting-pot dynamic, were students of diverse background­s can improve cognitive skills— such as critical thinking and problem solving. Schools which practice this give their students more opportunit­ies to learn about each other, which leads to improved critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Diversity is important, as it readies children for success during and beyond school. This will benefit them in adulthood, when they have to work well in diverse teams.

Meantime, when evaluating schools, the first thing parents often look at is the class size, or number of students being taught in a particular classroom. But does a smaller class be beneficial for students? According to research, smaller classes generally lead to higher test scores for students— especially in earlier grades and for students from disadvanta­ged background­s. However, this is only possible if teachers are properly trained and adjust their instructio­n accordingl­y.

In smaller classes, teachers can tailor their lessons to meet students’specific needs, or spend less time on classroom management and more time on activities that engage students and improve learning opportunit­ies.

Studies also show however that highly trained, well-supported teachers in large classes can be just as effective as less-experience­d teachers in smaller cl asses.

While smaller classes may be beneficial for students, don’t assume that they guarantee positive results. Parents instead should look for high-quality, experience­d teachers first and foremost. It does not matter if they are teaching in large classes or not. — oOo— The author is Teacher III at Masantol Elementary School

A smile lightens our day to day living. Scientific­ally speaking, if we go through life in a negative frame of mind always stressed, worried, full of fear and disappoint­ments, our immune system will weaken and makes our body susceptibl­e to sickness and diseases. Negative emotions such as anxiety, loneliness, worries and others are tremendous­ly lessening our years living in happy world.

There are many things to smile, a fine sleep, good health, family, friends, work etc. we will never end counting our reasons to smile when we are positive thinkers. Optimistic people times they still have a reason think that life is not always fine and smooth. How to deal with trials is really important. If we panic, we do not make solutions. We add problems amidst difficulti­es cry out to our LOVING GOD, we will find peace and comfort. If we stay full of joy, our immune system functions at its peak performanc­e. The Bible says “a merry heart does good like medicine.”

Smile sends message to our whole body, setting the right moods. It makes us relax and think positively. Begin to SMILE, begin to LAUGH, they are priceless yet valuable. A relaxed attitude will not only lengthen our lives, it will make it much enjoyable.

Quit complainin­g and start rejoicing. Smile can win friends. It is a contagious little act but its effect is tremendous.

— oOo— The author is Teacher I at Don Jesus Gonzales High School, Pandacaqui, Mexico, Pampanga

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