Sun.Star Pampanga



Picking the right school for your child can be an overwhelmi­ng, especially if parents have no informed decision about their child’s schooling.

Let us learn to be happy as we open our eyes at the start of the day until we close them when in bed. If we start our day right, then it ends right. This is the positive outlook of an optimistic person. A positive thinker is a winner. If we start the day complainin­g because of the many things to accomplish then we are not yet done but we are already exhausted.

Prayers are powerful, faith is wonderful. These can change our insights in life. Let us always pray that God will change our negative attitude, our passivity, our doubts, our ideas that hinder our determinat­ion to persevere for the best. When we are in trouble, in adversity, in difficulty and other reasons to give up, cheer up because we have a BIG GOD to carry our burdens when we begin to utter words of pleading to HIM. If we begin to be upset, we will just allow to hinder our determinat­ion to go on. Our immune system weakens our body if we begin to feel negative. There are many things that will make our lives happy, our family, relatives, colleagues, our work and the many creatures of God. The sweetest smile of an infant, the youth, the aged and parents can change our nerves from negativity to an optimistic reality.

The loners, the kill joy people or those who prefer to be alone are susceptibl­e to illness as medical research proved. All will experience loneliness and happiness, what is important is what we set in our mind. Let us choose to be happy and let us learn to keep good attitude even when things don’t go our way. Learn to wait, for God’s ways.

— oOo— The author is Teacher III at Calibutbut Elementary School, Calibutbut, Bacolor, Pampanga

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