Sun.Star Pampanga



Senior people always say that education is the most important in the individual’s life and it is a gift of knowledge that cannot be stolen. It can also bring every learner to the top of their dreams in life.

Education is the greatest treasure that can be achieved by all individual­s. By means of education, Filipino youth can enhance their skills and knowledge towards the developmen­t of their life. In aiming for quality education, a student can be compared to a seed on a fertile soil. If there is enough sunlight, air and water, the seed will grow to a big tree which can give fresh fruits and shelter with clean air. Just like the seed, if the school children are willing to improve their good study habits like doing home works, projects, and exert time in reading lessons, it will definitely give knowledge to them and lead them in aiming for successful life.

Each learner finds easier to achieve goals in life through education. School children will have a grateful life if they complete the formal education and use it to become productive youth of the nation. The character developmen­t of a person will also be possible when learners received effective learning from the teachers. It is the role of the teachers to supplement the knowledge of the students through innovative teaching approaches.

The best gift that a parent can give to their children is the education. This will guide and support the parents in molding their children to become better citizen of the country.

Education is everyone’s goal. It is a treasure which can make everybody to become rich and fill individual­s with knowledge. Lastly, education is like a tree that bear many fruits which can be shared to everyone. Successful educator should learn to share their ideas and knowledge to all the individual­s regardless of the status in life. — oOo— The author is Teacher I at Sta. Cruz Elementary School, Lubao, Pampanga

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