Sun.Star Pampanga




“We love children, if not, we have to love children. There is no other option.” No one can be a teacher without have “amore” for the young. More than the knowledge that an educator could share to his students, it’s the genuine love and concern of the teacher that would make the student learn their lessons.

Having been part of the field of teaching makes a person more humane. Perhaps it is because a teacher deals with the human beings and not papers and machines alone. These students are quite challengin­g for they have a mind of their own that a teacher should learn to shape and somehow to contr ol .

There are students who do not seem to know their roles as students. They are the perennial cause of stress to their teachers. Aside from the bulk of loads a teacher has to accomplish with her more or less 50 students, she needs to reach out a few students who are not meeting the expected outcome. This job requires patience and heart. The teacher has to see the child from a different perspectiv­e not focussing on the academic capability of the child to which he does not excel.

Knowing the students by heart and not just how they score on tests makes a big difference. They are the thorns in the flesh of a teacher that can’t be just cut off— just like a rose with thorns.

— oOo— The author is Master Teacher I at Pampanga High School

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