Sun.Star Pampanga




There are so many things that make life meaningful. Family, friends, loved ones, relationsh­ips, and joyful moments to name a few. Education made the list as well. Education is a way to learn new things and be knowledgea­ble about them. But how can we use the knowledge and skills that we obtained to have a meaningful life?

When we learn things, we aspire to know more. It broadens our minds so we can think beyond. Education can really make an impact on how we perceive things. We know how to look all the sides of a story before jumping into conclusion. If we open our minds, we seek to provide solutions, and we can act accordingl­y. Education molds us to be a better person, a better citizen of the nation. Education provides us with the thinking skills to be able to handle about anything life throws us away. We learn how to think critically, to discover, and to appreciate.

But when is education ineffectiv­e? It is when we are being stubborn and selfcenter­ed. We need to be selfless in education. The focus is not only to ourselves. We learn because we have a purpose to fulfill in this world. We have to share our talents, skills and abilities to others. So they could learn from us. Education when shared is not divided, it is rather multiplied. Learning does not stop in the four corners of the classroom. It should go beyond that. We should use the education that we have to inspire, to motivate and to guide others on their path towards learning.

As education makes a positive impact on us, I hope we continue to impart informatio­n to the younger generation— to be able to touch, change and make their lives meaningful as well.

— oOo— The author is SST III at Justino Sevilla High School

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