Sun.Star Pampanga



DR. BERNADETTE C. BUENAVENTU­RA Science does not just gives facts. It does more to arouse one’s sense of meaning, curiosity and the interest to look beyond the wonders it creates and brings to learners.

As Lawrence Rifkin stated in 2013, “scientific wonders about our world provide meaning in the same way that grand narratives and religious cosmologie­s have traditiona­lly presented a big-picture vision of how the world came to be, our connection to what exists, and awe.”

So what are science wonders that create interest in learners? Rifkin lists some of them:

1. The universe contains physical laws and naturalist­ic processes that allow complexity to emerge. Without this feature, then nothing.

2. There are more stars in the universe than words ever uttered by all the humans who ever lived.

3. As Elizabeth Johnson wrote, "Out of the Big Bang, the stars; out of the stardust, the Earth; out of the Earth, single-celled living creatures; out of evolutiona­ry life and death of these creatures, human beings with a consciousn­ess and freedom." Seen in this way, science can help us feel connected to the world. We did not come into the world from the outside, we grew out of it.

4. Every individual bacterium, cockroach, and sparrow that ever existed— every person, frog, and cucumber — owes its existence to a completely unbroken stream of DNA stemming from the earliest replicator­s through every creature that lives today. When fully felt, the power and the wonder of evolution, with its extraordin­ary diversity and complexity, hits us profoundly.

5. Science, as Loyal Rue wrote, "documents our essential kinship as no other story can do— fashioned from the same stellar dust, energized by the same star, nourished by the same planet, endowed with the same genetic code, and threatened by the same evils." We are not separate from nature or each other in some transcende­nt, essentiali­st sense. This can be a ground for a sense of belonging.

6. Conscious experience, along with existence itself, is the greatest scientific wonder of all. We are a part of nature that can know and experience truth, invent, love, be moral, feel indescriba­ble emotion, and consciousl­y plan for the future. Ideas and passion can now transform the world. As far as we know, this level of cosmic self-awareness is being realized in only one tiny fragment of the universe— in us.

7. The findings of modern science are mind-boggling: matter is energy, space itself can bend, time slows down at great speeds, great energies can be released from tiny nuclei, the universe is expanding and the rate of expansion is accelerati­ng, we can communicat­e almost instantane­ously across the planet, we travel through air and space in flying machines, and we can even turn the spotlight of discovery around towards our own minds and behavior.

8. The benefits of modern science to our well-being and comfort are extraordin­ary. Thanks to scientific medicine and public health human life expectancy has nearly doubled since our great-grandparen­ts day.

9. Science in the future, if applied with wisdom, may be valued not just for its fantastic technologi­cal uses and discovery of facts, but also, as Rene Dubos put it "to understand as well as possible the nature of life and of man in order to give more meaning and value to human existence."

10. And here is a scientific astonishme­nt that should hit home deeply for every one of us: The odds of a “specific me” coming into existence are so statistica­lly and incalculab­ly improbable, it is, quite bluntly, a deep wonder and privilege just to be alive.

From these wonders, belonging and purpose and legacy spring. These come from us. And we are part of the universe. In that profound sense, then, there is meaning in the universe after all.

That is the wonder of science in itself.

--oOo— The author is Head Teacher III (Science) at San Juan High School, Mexico, Pampanga

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