Sun.Star Pampanga



“May pera sa basura!” This line has been uttered countless times by a number of people who truly believe that wastes can be turned into something useful. Unfortunat­ely, not everybody have the discipline, creativity and patience to convert these wastes into something that can be used again and even if worthwhile inventions are made, not everyone would go out of their way to patronize these products made out of materials which have already found their way in the trash.

Most of the time, busy people with lots of “basura” would just call on someone who could easily get rid of their accumulate­d wastes, not caring where these would be taken. Some wastes materials might find their way into junkshops and can be converted into cash while others would be found scattered almost anywhere and everywhere. Clogging drainages, feasted on flies and rats, emitting foul smells, causing eye sores and numerous health issues.

The problems brought about by the astounding amount of garbage thrown by a Filipino household everyday should not be taken lightly. Environmen­tal problems, health issues, self-discipline, concern for neighbours and animals are synonymous with the garbage issue. Unfortunat­ely, despite efforts exerted by some individual­s in teaching us on how to dispose our wastes products, we still find when to take out our sacks full of unsegregat­ed waste. Most of the time, these sacks are not even tied properly, hence stray dogs, flies and rodents dig in. and who isn’t guilty of throwing away a candy wrapper or an empty water bottle when no one is looking?

It doesn’t take a genius to tie all these up and arrive at a forecast of what could happen to us in the near future. If the picture is still unclear then let us be reminded of children from Payatas who were buried in mounds of trash, of Ondoy victims who were eaten by flash floods, caused by clogged canals and water ways. And there are diseases too, dengue, leptospiro­sis, skin and respirator­y ailments because of a dirty surroundin­g.

So, while it is not yet too late let us be more conscienti­ous in throwing away our garbage. Let us practice what we were taught about recycling, reusing and reducing our wastes. Let us segregate even if it means doing extra work in dealing with our trash. Discipline it the key to this alarming problem so let us be vigilant in ensuring that we win our fight against plastics and papers and bottles and wrappers and whatever unwanted item there is that we want to get rid of. And please, let us first deal with our own trash before taking on others.

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