Sun.Star Pampanga

Cardinal Tagle inaugurate­s PH catholic chaplaincy in Jordan


AMMAN – Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle visited Jordan from July 14 to 16 and formally inaugurate­d the Filipino Chaplaincy with Father Gerald G. Metal as its first chaplain during a ceremony at St. Joseph Parish Church in Jabal Amman.

The Cardinal’s visit also included the ceremonial blessing of the new chancery of the Philippine Embassy on July 14. Joining Cardinal Tagle were Archbishop Alberto Ortega Martin, the Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See in Jordan, Most Rev. Fouad Twal, Patriarch Emeritus of the Latin Patriarcha­te of Jerusalem in Jordan, other Christian Church leaders, and leaders and members of the Filipino community.

Cardinal Tagle’s three-day visit was also marked by the celebratio­n of three Holy Masses in various Catholic Churches in Amman, a visit to the Pontifical Library of the Terasians, the blessing of the Caritas Center in Jordan (Cardinal Tagle is President of Caritas Internatio­nal), a meeting at the POLO-OWWA-Filipino Workers Resource Center, the baptism of two Filipino babies at the Jordan River, a visit to Mt. Nebo, a meeting with the Iraqi refugees in Madaba, and a visit to the Jesuit Center, where Father Gerald resided upon his arrival in Amman.

The Filipino community warmly welcomed Cardinal Tagle, whose visit brought inspiratio­n, unity, and spiritual guidance to the entire community in Jordan. The Cardinal left an important message that Filipinos, wherever they find work abroad, also find a mission to be the seeds of the word of God planted in good soil. (DFA Press Release)

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