Sun.Star Pampanga



Work-life balance is another contempora­ry issue that teachers have to deal. Research suggests that overworked employees are prone to stress and suffer mental and other health problems. A study in England by the Teaching and Learning Internatio­nal Survey (TALIS), suggest that full-time teachers work between 40 and 58 hours, and overall a fifth of teachers work 60 hours or more. Balance in everything creates harmony and peace of mind. If the balance is maintained in the work environmen­t employees are able to function well and becomes more creative and productive.

In the modern structure of the Filipino family, it is common that both spouses juggle their time with their work and family. Teaching is a female dominated work sector and it would not be surprising that teachers complain about their work load and not being able to manage their time with work and family. Teachers have been long clamoring that they are underpaid and work long hours and overworked. It is easy to forget that school is work because of the environmen­t. As our country continues to be industrial­ized and aims to be a developed country every one juggles work and life.

Work-life balance is a concept prioritize­d mostly in Europe countries, in fact, there is not even a country outside Europe that has been listed as worklife balance friendly. As our country continues to strive for economic prosperity our roles and in our jobs becomes demanding. Teaching is not an exception it has become an environmen­t with high demand and needs, oftentimes this leads to difficulty in separating work from home life to a degree that teachers forget to look after their own priorities in life. This causes frustratio­n, stress, and dissatisfa­ction in the work.

What can we do to lessen this stress and ensure that we have a work and life balance?

Set your Priorities Multi-tasking is a skill that can come handy at work. However, mixing up work and life tasks could be daunting. Work and family are both important aspect of our lives we should learn how to manage both. So, learn how to set your priorities. Focus on the task when at work and do the same when dealing family and personal affairs.

Break your routine Take advantage of the perks you get from being a teacher. Travel and take that needed vacation whenever possible. Do not confine yourself to the four walls of the classroom. Although teaching requires dedication, it should not be you’re everything and becomes your only definition of your entire life.

Legi sl at i on To promote work-life balance government should ensure that employees are protected from being overworked. Countries like Australia and France makes it illegal to contact employees after work hours. These measures make sure that employees can enjoy their after work hours with their family and other social circles.

Everything should be taken in with moderation, the aphorism, “too much of anything isn’t good for anyone.” That is especially true when it comes to work and most especially in teaching. Teachers should be informed of worklife balance. Let us continue to advocate for teachers’welfare. Advocating for work-life balance will break the stereotype that teachers are overworked and underpaid. Instead, let our voices be heard and create an image for teacher that work-life balance is also our top priority and concern.

— oOo— The author is SST III at Pulung Santol High School-Main

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