Sun.Star Pampanga




Climate change has ubiquitous­ly considered as one of the most complicate­d issues that we are facing today. And In response to this immerging problem in the environmen­t, Francisco G. Nepomuceno Memorial High School has revamped its greening campaign to the next level this school year. The school to date has come up with different specialize­d gardens in every subject area.

Each subject area has been assigned to a specific type of garden in the various areas of the school.

To illustrate, the Science Garden is composed of herbs and spices, the Math Garden has the herbs and spices, the Aralin Panlipunan and TLE Gardens are considered as vegetable gardens, the Values Education and English Gardens have diverse ornamental plants, the Filipino Garden is regarded as a vertical garden, and the MAPEH Garden is a trellis-type of garden.

The gardens are not just there to beautify the school but to serve as simple yet promising answer to the immerging problem of environmen­t and challenges brought by climate change.

The gardens also showcase the different types of modern planting practices. Each of the gardens made use of the different types of recycled material containers for planting like rice sack and cement sacks as well as mineral water bottles.

But what makes the gardens extra special are the newly installed “rain water collectors” in every garden as an alternativ­e way of watering the gardens that is capable of saving about 10% of the school’s water bill.

This is a clear manifestat­ion that the school is trying its best to mitigate climate change. — oOo— The author is Teacher III at FGNMHS

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