Sun.Star Pampanga

Don’t Run Alone


Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses . . . let us run with perseveran­cetheracem­arked out for us. Hebrews 12:1

My husband Jack was on mile 25 out of 26 when his strength failed him.

This was his first marathon, and he was running alone. After stopping for adrink of water at an aid station, hefelt exhausted and sat down on the grass beside the course. Minutes passed, and he couldn’t get up. He had resigned himself to quitting the race when two middle-aged schoolteac­hers from Kentucky cameby. Although they werestrang­ers, they noticed Jack and asked if hewanted to run with them. Suddenly, he found his strength restored. Jack stood and accompanie­d by the two women he finished the race. Who can you encourage to persevere through difficulty today? Thosewomen who encouraged Jack remind meof Aaron and Hur, two friends who helped Moses, the leader of the Israelites, at a key point (Ex. 17:8–13). The Israelites were under attack. In battle, they were winning only as long as Moses held his staff up (v. 11). So when Moses’s strength began to fail, Aaron and Hur stood on either side of him, holding up his arms for him until sunset (v. 12).

Following God is not a solo endeavor. He did not create us to run theraceof lifealone. Companions can help us persevere through difficulty as we do what God has called us to do.

God, thank You for relationsh­ips that encourage me to continue following You. Help me to be a source of strength for others, as well.

Who can I encourage to persevere through difficulty today?

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