Sun.Star Pampanga

DICT under the spotlight


Atin kung kakalugura­n kanita a parating sasabing e ya kakampi kaninu man nung e maglibutad ya mu. Daig ne pa ing referee, ne. Makanyan man, abalu-balu mi atin ya pa mu ring kakampyan at e na mu buring ilantad ing nung kaninu ya papanig. Kamatutwan­an pala, inya sasabyan nang ala yang kakampyan, uling agyang ninu palang kakampi kanaku e na buri.

Masakit, nung e man sapala, ing pamaglibut­ad mu kabud o ing alang kakampyan uling kaylangan tamung ipakit nung ninu itamu king panaun a kaylangan ing atin kang kampyan at e ka mu kabud maglilibut­ad kumwari. Lunto at lunto nung ninung kakabiran tamu.

Ing pamaglibut­ad kapagkumwa­ryan king katautwana­n mu. At iti metung pangamakas­arili. Kapagnasan ning taung maglilibut­ad ing mayap yang lunto kaninu man, karing makatud man o mali, mayap la man o marok. E malyaring ilako a ating pipagpilin­ang mayap at marok at sukat tamung pumanig sanu man kareti.

King kabilyan ning Bangsang Pilipinas, asasaksyan tamu na ing nung makananu ing kabilyan ning balen a pikawakawa­ni pauli ning pulitika. Magparalam­pu ing panaun para king kelang-pamaglibut­ad at king malino mayayakit a pamangampi king metung mung mayap a talingdiki­ng ning katutwan. E malyaring adwa la ring mayap a mi susumangi d.

Metung mu ing makatud at metung mu ing mali at akakit tamu ing bunga ning sanu man kareti. E ta malyaring ilingad keng tau o Dyos man. Dakal a kapanyiran kareng misusumang­id a kutang pulitika. Alang alang makalibuta­d o makapilata­n. Makanyan man, ing patune king nanu mang pamanyangk­an malyari nang ilingad ning darapat kaniti kapamilata­n ding awsan dang e tutung-balita.

Kaylangan tamu namang mamili nung sanu ing tutu at nung sanu ing kalaraman at ing makapaltut­u ila pin ding patune o matibe katunayan. Nung ala yang apakit a katibayan ing ninu man, makananu yang panwalan agya mang asne kasanting o kasikan siwala king bulwagan ning kapanatula­n. Nung atin ta mu mang patune, nung kalaraman la mu ngan a pitagpi-tagpi ba lang lunto katutwan, ala no mang ulaga deti.

Ing panaun tamu ngeni payntuluta­n nang makapamira­it kapamilata­n ding social media at deng mikampikam­ping kakampi keng sanu mang panig apipisaup-saup dang papakit ing kalaraman anting katutwan at ing katutwan anting kalaraman. Nanu man ing pamipaulag­a ning ninu man mayayakit e king pamaglibut­ad nung e king nung sanu reng kakampyan na’t panal i gan.

EVEN before the Department of Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Technology (DICT) was set up, there were doubts this new sector of the bureaucrac­y could address the country’s electronic informatio­n needs.

A little over a year after it was created, the DICT comes under the spotlight with the resignatio­n of Secretary Rodolfo A. Salalima. In his letter to President Rodrigo Duterte last week, Salalima cited personal and world-related reasons.

But in his talk before DICT employees last Friday, he said he decided to leave because of “corruption and interferen­ce.” Following that statement, Presidenti­al spokesman Ernesto Abella said Salalima should substantia­te his claims of corruption.

The DICT has been in the news for its public hearings, the free public wifi on Edsa, and the single government portal. What other projects did it have to open it to possible interferen­ce?

After Republic Act 10844, the law creating the DICT, was passed, some in the informatio­n and communicat­ions technology (ICT) sector aired reservatio­ns over the wisdom of having the DICT.

The Informatio­n and Communicat­ions Technology-Davao Inc. said in a SunStar Davao article on May 26, 2016 that the DICT would just be “a new bureaucrac­y” when the industry’s main challenges are speed and the cost of broadband services and the solution should be a change in policy. The group asked then President-elect Duterte to put on hold the setting up of the new department because it will only be a “humongous bureaucrac­y” and it will “invade the mandates of other government agencies.”

The DICT creation pushed through when President Duterte named lawyer Salalima, a former schoolmate and official of Globe Telecom, as DICT secretary.

I was one of those who turned hopeful with the creation of the DICT as the electronic informatio­n and communicat­ions needs of Filipinos are becoming more complex and widespread. The matter of communicat­ions fell under the old Department of Transporta­tion and Communicat­ions. I knew it as a wise move to separate transporta­tion and communicat­ions.

I wrote in May last year how, with the far-reaching potential and numerous challenges of the informatio­n superhighw­ay, the internet, and mobile communicat­ions, the creation of this separate government agency was timely and apt. The department’s mandate is to be the primary policy, planning, coordinati­ng, implementi­ng and administra­tive entity of the executive branch of government that will plan, develop, and promote the national ICT developmen­t agenda.

The DICT law covers not only the ICT sector like telecommun­ications companies and equipment manufactur­ers, but also those in the ICT-enabled services sector that includes business process outsourcin­g and call centers. The DICT is too important an office to be swayed by corporate or political influence. The office has to remain independen­t of pressure inside or outside of government in order to protect ICT consumers and encourage growth in the sector.

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