Sun.Star Pampanga




Ask a season teacher on what are her best strategies in teaching will definitely share everything below with much gusto:

Help students to relate to the topic.

As much as possible, teachers should find ways for students to relate their lessons with actual daily experience­s. A science teacher may start to narrate an incident of a glass breaking due to exposure to both extreme case of hot and cold and may ask the class who have seen or experience such phenomenon.

Integrate other curriculum.

A good example for this is asking the class if they have already seen the animated movie, “Inside Out” when trying to compare it to a video clip about our brain’s neur ons.

Make them do cooperativ­e learning.

The teacher should assigned groups to do different types of activities to complete at a given time. Students will be given turns to present what is assigned to them and each member of the group will be given an opportunit­y to show their talents or skills in the process

Be the Jack-of-All Trade.

Indigenous materials here and there in creating IMs (instructio­nal materials). An old carton or an old calendar as visual aids, old recording vinyl, CDs, DVDs, used magazines or newspapers are some of the time and tested materials in making IMs. All you need is a lot of imaginatio­n and creativity to create one.

Be an actor.

The teacher will get the students’attention by throwing not eraser but lines from their fave Telenovela­s or movies topped it with humor. This will definitely build a positive relationsh­ip with the students because they will feel that connection­s between you and them.

Be extravagan­t in giving praises.

An excellent answer! You just hit the bull’s eye! What a wonderful answer! Let us give him a big clap for that. Giving our students the opportunit­y to be acknowledg­e for a job well done or for answering even a simple question will surely boost their morale and confidence.

But the best practice of them all, Give that extra love and time for our students and let them feel they are well appreciate­d for every job well done.

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The author is SST I at San Pablo 2nd National High School, Lubao

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