Sun.Star Pampanga




A discipline­d person carries almost all the positive traits of an individual. Attributio­ns are given to parents when the children are discipline­d. A parent is very lucky if he has a child who has discipline. For this reason, couples must be consistent disciplina­rians to their children.

As time passed by, it was observed that many children are no longer that good and discipline­d compared to the children three decades or more. The reason behind is that, technology has taken their lives. Virtues were turned to vices, good traits became hates. The ill effects of technology are noted because a child at his/ her very young age is exposed to gadgets. Parents must guard the activities of their children.

Nowadays, not only the youth are said to be undiscipli­ned, even adults, profession­als or not. People are easily irritated, impatient, immature and disobedien­t. It is very saddening to know that, really good behaviors are elusive. Who is to be blame if children are not observing the good manners and right conduct?

All of us are responsibl­e for our attitude as well as to our brothers and sisters or to our love ones. Discipline must start at home, parents MUST be CONSITENT DISCIPLINA­RIAN. The right decorum of the children starts in the family. If God is the center of the family’s lives, then, producing or rearing Christian sons and daughters is observed.

A happy family has discipline­d members. Consistenc­y in disciplini­ng the children will instill in the hearts and minds of these people.

If children were reared from the disciplina­rian parents, teachers must also be. As educators, let us be disciplina­rian and the confidant of the learners. If these learners will feel their worth as individual­s, they will be raised as productive citizens of their family, society and country.

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The author is Teacher III at Don Jesus Gonzales High School, Pandacaqui, Mexico, Pampanga

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